[3830] ARRL 10 K8AJS SO CW HP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Dec 11 19:15:16 EST 2005

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: K8AJS
Operator(s): K8AJS
Station: K8AJS

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 23.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  612    70
  SSB:    0     0
Total:  612    70  Total Score = 171,360

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Mostly E-skip and backscatter, along with a lot of local noise from time to
time. This contest is always fun to operate, even when conditions aren't so
good. We had a few hours here and there with enough propagation to make the
operation enjoyable, and make up for the many hours when I was digging the weak
ones out of the noise.

I apologize to anyone who called me and I didn't hear them. As I said I was
contending at times with local noise, and on Sunday the CBers were chewing up
parts of the low end of the band. I did the best I could.

Thanks to everyone I worked, and let's do it again next year...:-)

Rig: FT1000MP with ALS-600 amp, 500 watts
Antenna: 3 ele quad
Software: N1MM

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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