[3830] RAC Winter VE3TPZ SOAB LP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Dec 18 11:34:06 EST 2005

                    RAC Winter Contest

Call: VE3TPZ
Operator(s): VE3TPZ
Station: VE3TPZ

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: stratford
Operating Time (hrs): 12hrs

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  CW Mults  Ph Mults
  160:    0      2       0         1
   80:    0     36       0         5
   40:    0     46       0         8
   20:   00     43       0        11
   15:   00     11       0         4
   10:    0      3       0         1
    6:    0      2       0         1
    2:    0      2       0         1
Total:    0    145       0        32  Total Score = 45,696

Club: Contest Club Ontario


This was first time operating as a single operator low power at my home qth for
this contest

Equipment Kenwood TS690S for hf & 6 Mtrs and kwnwood tm731 for 2mtr contacts
Antennas G5rv and Alpha Delta DX-b  (DX-b not full height yet due to WX
conditions up here in Canada)

Conditions on Friday Nite were pitfully wasn't hearing many VE3'S or VE2 on the
bands, Did manage to get some of the Coastal Stations into the Log.

Got a few more Mult's on 40  that I hadn't figured on. 

Good to hear some activity on 15mtrs.

Thanks to all who contact me during the contest

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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