[3830] SS SSB VE7FO Multi-Op HP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Wed Dec 21 03:05:29 EST 2005

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB

Call: VE7FO
Station: VE7FO

Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Vancouver
Operating Time (hrs): 18

 Band  QSOs
   80:   71
   40:   25
   20:  114
   15:  115
   10:   10
Total:  355  Sections = 79  Total Score = 52,930

Club: British Columbia DX Club


Another outing for my newbies.  Only had 3 this time but they were all repeat
customers, which was nice.  One of them, who has several contests under his
belt, had the ten minute rate meter up around 100 for a while.  He was pretty
pleased (as was I).

I have to aplogize for some gross lid behaviour on my part on 20.  Had one of
the newbies running when I noticed the ALC was peaking way too high.  Stopped
running and did a bunch of hello test on the frequency while fiddling with the
controls which, for some reason, weren't doing what I expected.  After rather
too much of this I realized I should switch to the dummy load so hit the B
antenna switch on the MkV.  More testing until the newbie said, "If you're on
the dummy load, how come I can still hear guys calling you?"  Oops, I was on the
R5 vertical.  Switched in the dummy load, fixed the problem and went to another
part of the band to avoid sarcastic comments from all around NA.

I decided ahead of time that I'd try really hard to get a sweep and not worry
about Qs, given that, with the newbies, I'm not going to be able to make a
competitive score.  Used the spotting network to help.

At 1600Z, I'm at 182 Qs and 66 Sections.  First newbie arrives.  He knocks off
WTx NNj, SNj, Nfl, Em and Sk.  When he leaves at 1910 we're at 228/72.  While
waiting for the next one at 2000 I concentrate on mults and manage to knock off
Sc, Me and NLi so, when she arrives at 2000 we're at 231/75.   

After a bit of refamiliarization, she gets on at 2033 and promptly knocks off
Ri.  She had to leave at 2130 but worked Mar just before she left.  We're now at
246/77 and things are looking very promising.  Just need Qc, Sf and Ms.

Did other stuff while waiting for the next newbie who arrived at 2200.  Well,
this one isn't so new.  When he left at 0030 he had knocked off Qc and we were
at 296/78, needing Sf and Ms.  Sf didn't have me worried but Ms did.  There have
been several SS with no Ms in my log.  

At this point I took over - no more newbies coming.  Mostly S&P, working guys as
I tuned the bands looking for the last two.  Got N6ZFO for Sf a little after
0200 but no sign of Ms.  I knew KK5K was on so kept a close watch on the spots. 
Finally saw him spotted on 75.  Went there and found a couple of guys ragchewing
on AM.  Maybe he was there but I couldn't hear him.  

About 40 min before the end I started combing 40 and 75 looking for him.  Maybe
20 min before the end he was spotted on 40.  I could sort of hear him but there
was a loud carrier on the frequency and, no matter how hard I tried to convince
myself otherwise, I really couldn't make out anything he was saying.  I sat on
the frequency, prepared to stay to the end in case, through some magic, he
suddenly got loud and I could work him.  Well, about 5 min before the end
another Ms station was spotted a few kHz up.  He too was sitting under a carrier
which pretty well wiped him out.  I was getting the odd bit, though, so parked
there until the end, waiting for the magic.  No magic, no sweep.

I note that VE3SY said he had a terrible time finding a VE7.  I heard hardly any
VE3's.  Worked only 2.  Guess cndx weren't very good between VE7 and VE3.

A number of folks on 3830 said they missed BC.  There were actually quite a few
of us on, FO, YU, OGO, IN, JKZ, KET, NA.  Don't recall hearing ST but he's
usually in there.

Made only 1 Q in 18 of the Sections.  Gotta do better than that in the future.

Thanks for the Qs and your patience with my newbies (and me).  Next newbie
operation will be NAQP SSB.

73, Jim	VE7FO

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