[3830] CQ160 CW ZL6QH Multi-Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Feb 1 05:04:41 EST 2005

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: ZL6QH
Operator(s): ZL1CT ZL1AZE
Station: ZL6QH

Class: Multi-Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 20

Total:  QSOs = 390  State/Prov = 38  Countries = 37  Total Score = 287,025

Club: WARC


The raw score of 287K is very satisfying and is a significant improvement over
our previous best score of 99K in 2000.

This is usually a slow contest from ZL but this year we were kept busy on both
nights. Although the band was noisy with S9 atmospheric QRN, signals seemed to
be better than usual, especially to Asia and Europe. In particular, we were
surprised to be able to run European stations until 30 minutes after our sunrise
on both mornings. 

Approximately 40% of our 390 QSOs were with North America, 39% with Asia and 17%
with Europe. We could have easily worked more European stations if some of the
operators had spent more time listening rather than QRMing each other :-)   

Two antennas were used to make most of the QSOs - a vertical "T" antenna plus a
sloping dipole (highest point 40m AGL).  The dipole sloped towards JA and the
short path to Europe and semed to give us some useful advantage in this
direction. See www.zl6qh.com for photos and more information about the ZL6QH

Thanks to everyone for the valuable QSOs and we look forward to working you
again in future contests on TOP band.


Brian ZL1AZE and Chris ZL1CT (GM3WOJ)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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