[3830] CQ160 CW M2D(G4BYG) Single Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Fri Feb 4 14:52:40 EST 2005

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: M2D
Operator(s): G4BYG
Station: G3LZQ

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: East Yorkshire.UK.  
Operating Time (hrs): 23.5

Total:  QSOs = 1191  State/Prov = 44  Countries = 63  Total Score = 792,228



My best effort yet from M2D.
Most enjoyable contest with noticeably improved operator behaviour. Well done
No radio or computer problems experienced this time. Plus antennas worked very
well. Had a couple of long wires on the ground and realy helped in weeding out
some of the rarer stations out of the general clutter.
Band conditions were only OK with the first night producing most of my America
qso,s. No noticeable peak to USA just a steady throughput from 0100 till 0630
when the band seemed to go away from me. Second night was a struggle with lots
of fairly quick qsb on dx signals making it difficult to pick out the weaker
ones.Sorry if I missed out on those calling.
John G3LZQ kindly supplied the station. FT1000MP,Alpha 87 Amp. 90ft
vertical.(much modified Titanex)
N1MMLogger software(no gremlins here either)
plus a variety of switching boxes and DSP audio filters.
I must also thank his XYL Trixie for her help in keeping me fed and watered. Its
a real pleasure to operate in comfort as I can remember a lot of my previous
efforts in CQWW160 were done wearing thick warm jackets and Wellington Boots.
Will be back for more next year.
See you then.
G4BYG  (Vic)

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