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Mon Feb 21 00:23:31 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: HI3TEJ
Operator(s): K7BV
Station: HI3CCP

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 46

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  353    46
   80:  546    55
   40: 1014    59
   20: 1117    59
   15: 1331    58
   10:  899    58
Total: 5320   336  Total Score = 5,362,560

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


A lot of last minute rushing around to make this trip happen produced some new
friends, great laughs, and enough hard-luck stories to fill a major novel.  The
Hi3CCP mountain QTH is a dream with a distant view of the Caribbean to the
north. A no-nonsense quality four wheel drive vehicle is required to access this
site in the clouds - a trip that may require a change of underwear before you
have reached the beautiful cabin. Generators power the rugged mountain top
contester heaven.  To get there, one leaves the warm humid tropics below and
moves into longjohns and heavy jackets to fight the fridge temperatures. 

No trip like this is complete without equipment failures, software cursing,
things left behind, and multiple courses of unexpected glitches. Two that will
live in my memories for some time are the lose of the 40m beam that put me in
the dipole-only category and a horrendous manmade noise from hell that only
allowed the top layer of signals to pass on 80 and 160. The ANC-4 could not
touch this trash.  With electric fences and a commercial grade wind driven power
generator in the immediate area, it probably will not take much to discover the
source of this contest killer.  In spite of that very disappointed situation, I
chose to give the contest an effort worthly of all the trouble my new HI friends
put forth to make my trip so exciting.  My deepest thanks go out to my new
buddies - Ted HI3TEJ who hosted me, Rafael HI8ROX - a 6m chum - for helping push
a license through far faster than it wanted to move, and Constantino HI3CCP for
the use of his cabin in the skies of the Dominican Republic. 

I presume this score will find a spot someplace in the Top Ten but with no D4B
in the game, a shot at the gold may have been missed.  But, like they say in
California, Sacramento to be specific, "I'll be back..."  Thanks to all the USA
and Canadian participants for making the pile ups so much fun to rapidly chew
through.  I love this 48 hour Sweepstakes

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