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Mon Feb 21 11:00:53 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: N5AW
Operator(s): N5AW
Station: N5AW

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   26    18
   80:  112    51
   40:  217    71
   20:  295    78
   15:  602    89
   10:   86    43
Total: 1338   350  Total Score = 1,404,900

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


Lots of fun as always - this is my favorite contest. Congratulations to W1MU for
a very impressive score. Don't know if I missed that late 10 meter opening to
Europe or it just didn't make it this far west but would not have improved my
score that much anyway.

As expected with declining sunspots my score is down from last year but
unexpectedly the low bands were the biggest contributors to the decline - both
in Q's and Mults. High static levels for part of the second evening and going
from a 2 element yagi to a dipole on 40 were factors but a noise problem that
developed shortly before the contest may have been the main reason. I live on a
ranch with antennas well away from power lines - normally a very quiet location.
However a noise showed up shortly before the contest. It comes from the west.
The nearest power line in that direction is over half a mile away. Fortunately
with directional antennas on 10, 15, and 20 it is not a really serious problem.
On the low bands it is another story. Although only about S4 it is enough to
seriously degrade DX reception, especially with no receiving antennas. Hope to
get it taken care of before the phone contest but in any event it is motivating
me to put out some beverages!

The new SteppIR worked very well. On 15 I was able to run Europe for over 2
hours on Sunday morning and ended up with my highest 15 meter QSO total ever.
Although I'm still not able to hold a run frequency to Europe on 20 meters I was
able to run JA/Asia in the evening.

Radios: Tentec Orion, Icom 746Pro, 100 watts output

Antennas: 40 meter high Rohn 25 tower with 4 element SteppIR for 20-10, Force 12
40 meter rotary dipole stacked 2 meters above the SteppIR, array of 5 sloping
dipoles for 80, tower shunt loaded for 160 with 15 radials. Second tower is a 15
meter high Rohn HBDX supporting a homemade quad - 2 elements on 15 and 20, 4
elements on 10.

Miscellaneous: Homemade SO2R controller, WX0B "Six Pack" for antenna switching,

For those who may be interested in wading through it here are most of the
summary reports generated by TR Log.

QSO rate and multipliers by hour and band:

HR    160     80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL 
--   -----  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ --------- 
 0    ---     ---     20/18     ---     24/8      4/4    48/30    48/30  
 1    ---     ---      ---      9/7     36/6      ---    45/13    93/43  
 2    ---     ---      ---     38/10     6/0      ---    44/10   137/53  
 3    ---     ---     37/16     7/1      ---      ---    44/17   181/70  
 4    ---     ---     26/14     3/1      ---      ---    29/15   210/85  
 5    ---    37/21     1/0      ---      ---      ---    38/21   248/106 
 6   13/10   16/9      4/4      ---      ---      ---    33/23   281/129 
 7    3/2     4/3     16/1      ---      ---      ---    23/6    304/135 
 8    2/1     5/4      8/1      ---      ---      ---    15/6    319/141 
 9    ---     1/0      ---      ---      ---      ---     1/0    320/141 
10    ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    320/141 
11    1/0     2/1      7/5     18/13     ---      ---    28/19   348/160 
12    ---     4/0      ---     14/6      8/4      ---    26/10   374/170 
13    ---     4/0      1/0      4/2     30/16     ---    39/18   413/188 
14    ---     ---      ---     21/5      5/4     19/13   45/22   458/210 
15    ---     ---      ---      ---     52/14     2/2    54/16   512/226 
16    ---     ---      ---      ---     40/3      7/4    47/7    559/233 
17    ---     ---      ---      ---     18/4     14/5    32/9    591/242 
18    ---     ---      ---      5/1     20/6      ---    25/7    616/249 
19    ---     ---      ---     17/3      ---      8/3    25/6    641/255 
20    ---     ---      ---      ---     15/8      2/0    17/8    658/263 
21    ---     ---      ---     11/5      6/2      1/0    18/7    676/270 
22    ---     ---      ---      6/4     18/0      4/2    28/6    704/276 
23    ---     ---      1/1     15/5     14/0      ---    30/6    734/282 
 0    ---     ---      8/0      ---     32/1      ---    40/1    774/283 
 1    ---     2/2     13/1      5/1      1/0      ---    21/4    795/287 
 2    ---     ---      ---     38/5      ---      ---    38/5    833/292 
 3    ---     6/4      ---      3/1      ---      ---     9/5    842/297 
 4    ---    13/5      ---      ---      ---      ---    13/5    855/302 
 5    ---     ---     15/5      ---      ---      ---    15/5    870/307 
 6    2/2     4/0      4/0      ---      ---      ---    10/2    880/309 
 7    1/1     1/0     20/2      ---      ---      ---    22/3    902/312 
 8    ---     1/1     10/1      ---      ---      ---    11/2    913/314 
 9    ---     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    913/314 
10    ---     1/1      ---      ---      ---      ---     1/1    914/315 
11    1/1     3/0     10/2      ---      ---      ---    14/3    928/318 
12    3/1     8/0     14/0      ---      ---      ---    25/1    953/319 
13    ---     ---      ---     36/2     18/1      ---    54/3   1007/322 
14    ---     ---      ---      ---     63/3      ---    63/3   1070/325 
15    ---     ---      ---      ---     80/4      ---    80/4   1150/329 
16    ---     ---      ---      ---     46/0      6/3    52/3   1202/332 
17    ---     ---      ---      ---     25/0      7/5    32/5   1234/337 
18    ---     ---      ---     18/2     13/0      ---    31/2   1265/339 
19    ---     ---      ---     13/0      ---      1/0    14/0   1279/339 
20    ---     ---      ---      3/0      8/2      7/1    18/3   1297/342 
21    ---     ---      ---      ---      7/2      3/1    10/3   1307/345 
22    ---     ---      ---      7/2     10/1      ---    17/3   1324/348 
23    ---     ---      2/0      4/2      7/0      1/0    14/2   1338/350 
D1  19/13   73/38   121/60   168/63   292/75    61/33            734/282
D2   7/5    39/13    96/11   127/15   310/14    25/10            604/68
TO  26/18  112/51   217/71   295/78   602/89    86/43           1338/350

Unique callsigns worked = 937

The best 60 minute rate was 84/hour from 1453 to 1552
The best 30 minute rate was 94/hour from 1456 to 1525
The best 10 minute rate was 108/hour from 1459 to 1508

The best 1 minute rates were:
 3 QSO's/minute   18 times.
 2 QSO's/minute  193 times.
 1 QSO's/minute  898 times.

There were 159 bandchanges and 40 probable 2nd radio QSO's.

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

V47Z        PJ4R        XE1NTT/2    PJ2T        KH7X        ZF2TJ       
WP2Z        8P5A        V31DJ       TI3M        FM5BH       9Y4W        
PJ7/ND5S    HI3TEJ      V31TP       XE2AC       

      QSOs by Continent

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  VE calls    =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  N.A. calls  =     19    22    31    27    36    25     0     0     0    160
  S.A. calls  =      3     9    17    28    32    32     0     0     0    121
  Euro calls  =      0    56   102   152   389    13     0     0     0    712
  Afrc calls  =      0     1     2     5     7     6     0     0     0     21
  Asia calls  =      0     2     4    21    10     0     0     0     0     37
  JA calls    =      3    18    52    50   111     2     0     0     0    236
  Ocen calls  =      1     4     9    12    17     8     0     0     0     51

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  Total calls =     26   112   217   295   602    86     0     0     0   1338


Multipliers by band:

8P      C6      FM      JA      KP2     PJ2     TI      V4      XE      
9Y      CM      HI      KH6     KP4     PJ7     V3      VP5     ZF      

8P      EA      GI      I       LX      P4      SM      V2      YN      
9A      EA8     HA      J6      OA      PA      SP      V3      YU      
9Y      EI      HB      JA      OE      PJ2     TI      V4      ZF      
C6      F       HC      KH6     OK      PJ7     UA      VP5     
CU      FM      HI      KL      OM      PY      UA9     VP9     
DL      G       HK      KP2     ON      S5      UR      XE      

8P      DL      FM      HR      KP2     OH0     PY      V2      YB      
9A      EA      G       I       KP4     OK      S5      V3      YL      
9V      EA6     GW      IS      LU      OM      SM      V4      YO      
9Y      EA8     HA      J6      LX      ON      SP      V7      YU      
BV      EI      HB      J8      LY      P4      T9      VK      YV      
C6      ES      HI      JA      LZ      PA      TI      VP5     ZF      
CM      F       HK      KH6     OA      PJ2     UA      VP9     ZL      
CU      FJ      HL      KL      OH      PJ7     UA9     XE      

3D2/R   DL      F       HP      KL      OH      PJ7     TI      V4      YN
5H      EA      FM      I       KP2     OH0     PY      TK      VK      YO
8P      EA6     G       IS      LU      OK      S5      UA      VP5     YU
9A      EA8     GM      J6      LX      OM      S9      UA9     VP8     YV
9Y      EA9     GU      J8      LY      ON      SM      UN      VP9     ZF
C6      EI      HA      JA      LZ      P4      SP      UR      VR      ZL
CE      ES      HI      JT      OA      PA      SV      V2      XE      
CU      EX      HK      KH6     OE      PJ2     TF      V3      YL      

5H      CT      EI      HB      JA      LZ      PJ2     T9      V5      YN
8P      CU      EU      HI      KH2     OA      PJ7     TF      V7      YO
9A      CX      F       HK      KH6     OE      PY      TI      VK      YU
9V      DL      FM      HL      KL      OH      PY0F    UA      VP5     YV
9Y      DU      G       HR      KP2     OK      S5      UA9     VP9     ZA
A4      EA      GM      I       LA      OM      S9      UR      VR      ZF
C6      EA6     GU      IS      LU      ON      SM      V2      XE      ZK2
CE      EA8     GW      J6      LX      P4      SP      V3      YB      ZL
CM      EA9     HA      J8      LY      PA      SV      V4      YL      

5H      CU      EI      HK      KL      P4      TI      VP5     ZF      
8P      CX      F       J6      KP2     PJ2     V2      VP9     ZL      
9Y      DL      FM      J8      LU      PJ7     V3      XE      ZS      
C6      EA      G       JA      OA      PY      V4      YN      
CT      EA8     HI      KH6     OK      TF      V7      YV

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