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Mon Feb 21 15:15:52 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: K1XM
Operator(s): NB1B, W1FJ, W1KM, WA1S, K1XM
Station: W1KM

Class: M/M HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  326    65
   80: 1089    92
   40: 1210   104
   20: 1928   116
   15: 1604   106
   10:  225    70
Total: 6382   553  Total Score = 10,577,784

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club



160/10:  Ten Tec Orion and Acom
80: Ten Tec Orion, FT-1000mp and AL-1200
40: FT-1000mp and AL-1500
20: Ten Tec Orion and Alpha 89
15: Ten Tec Orion and Acom


160, 80: 4 squares
40: 4 sq, 3 el @120'
20: 4/4/4(130')
15: 6/4/4 (100'), 4 el fixed south @ 60'
10: 4/4/4(90')

This was a rebuilding year at W1KM.  The 20 and 10 meter stacks are up
but the secondary yagis are not.  The top antenna of the 15 meter stack
went up last Sunday and Greg and I did some tower work Friday before
the contest.

Eric, K3NA was part of the 3Y0X group so he wasn't available for the
contest.  He loaned us his Orions and Acoms.  We recruited Ann, WA1S,
as our fifth operator.

We had equipment trouble.  The two Orions on 80 and 160/10 developed
problems.  We used the 15 meter station on the low bands at night and
used the 80 meter station on 10 meters during the day.  We also used
the 160/10 computer to log 20 meter QSOs when that station's computer
refused to accept input.

We also had problems with the Acom amplifiers tripping their protection
circuits, with computers crashing, and with our network being a notwork.

The practical effect of this was to cost us over an hour of prime time
on 80 and much of the 10 meter opening to Europe on Saturday.  We lost a
few mults because we only had four stations by the end of the contest.
Also 40 did not have packet spots for most of the contest.

On the other hand, the new 15 and 20 meter rotators worked correctly and
indicated correctly.  The 10 meter rotator was fine and 40 was OK except
that we had to recalibrate it once.

Conditions were better than expected.  Sunday's ten meter European run
was slow, but at least it was there!

Congrats to the crews of W3LPL, KC1XX, and K3NA.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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