webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Feb 21 18:53:55 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: N3BB
Operator(s): N3BB
Station: N3BB

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Austin, TX
Operating Time (hrs): 42
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   22    18
   80:   91    46
   40:  699    90
   20:  395    76
   15:  980    92
   10:   77    36
Total: 2264   358  Total Score = 2,426,166

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


Pretty good conditions.  But as usual, hearing the NE running EU is tough when
it’s just not possible here.  I did enjoy the good 15 opening to EU as well as a
decent, not great JA opening as well.  40 was excellent to JA and the (40) run
to EU as enough people got up and on the air was good, for here. 

Some random notes/comments:

•	The FT1000MPs with the Inrad roofing filters were really good.
•	I have some station improvements to do, and hereby declare I will do them this
summer.  It has been over ten years, and it’s time. 
•	Worked almost every mult I heard.  The OH0 was an exception on 20, plus PA0LOU
and another loud EU station about 2330Z on 80 near the end.  It’s one way skip
at that time to W5.
•	Lots of QRP activity, and some were tremendously loud.  Congrats.  QRP signal
strength is a good indication of the band opening quality and the “layers” that
are workable.
•	Longest call goes to 9M6/PA0XXX/#.  Glad I didn’t have to use that one!
•	Black tea is much superior to coke.  No after-affect, and it works great.
•	Working 9V1YC on 80 was a thrill.  James fished out my call one letter at a
time.  It was painful but a highlight for me.
•	Worked S52QM, Tomas, at the WRTC station from which N3AD and I operated as
S563X.  That was nice.
•	Made a schedule with KL7WV for 20 meters at 2330 and he was not there.  Got a
nice email today apologizing due to equipment failures at 2230 at their remote
station location.  Very thoughtful.  
•	Big bummer was when the JA run started Saturday about 2230, and at 2300 some
sort of local pea-soup fog enveloped the area, and it was so dense the
visibility was a hundred feet or so.  I got some weird sort of “fog static” that
built up and then would wax and wane.  It got so bad at one point that I called
K5NA’s house on the phone.  He was hearing the JAs just fine over there 40 miles
to the east of here.  I never have heard that before, and wonder if it is some
corona on the antennas.  It really hurt me on 15 meters.  I have heard rain and
snow static.  Fortunately, it went away over the next hour.
•	Someone sent “pimpsta” during a break in my JA run.  It was a loud backscatter
signal.  It sounded like the pranks of Mike, K5NZ!  (grin)
•	The 40 meter yagi here is a magic antenna.  My only one.
•	Worked only one BY station.  It was on 40 meters and his 100 Watt signal was
affected by the aurora-like clipping.  He was a good operator.
•	JH4UYB was SO loud on 80!
•	80 peaked well before our sunrise to JA.
•	OH2XX spotted me as 20 was opening to EU Sunday morning, according to the
OH2AQ cluster which I checked after the contest.  It was one of the wildest
rides I have ever had from the USA.  You sure can tell when you get spotted.
•	An OK1 station (big contester) plopped down right on my 20 meter run frequency
at one point and started to call CQ and thereby run Ws.  I could not believe it!
 I’ll correspond with him privately, but it was one of the rudest operating
moves I have ever experienced.  I must have been 20 db over nine there as he was
at least that strong here.
•	I made one stupid operating error Sunday AM as I had left the 15 meter stack
on Jas the previous evening and forgot to turn it to EU in the morning.  Wasted
an hour wondering why I could not run EU and why the band sounded like it was in
a barrel and dead-like.
•	Nice little 10 meter opening both mornings.  I missed the Saturday one but
caught the Sunday one.  SO2R is good about being able to listen for band
openings and not leave the run frequency on another band.
•	IR4X was a lot stronger than any other EU station during the Sunday morning 10
meter opening.

Some numbers:


  HOUR  160CW    80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0       0       0       0       5      82       0      87      87
    1       0       0       0      13      74       0      87     174
    2       0       0      49       5      16       0      70     244
    3       0       0      38       5       0       0      43     287
    4       0      38      19       0       0       0      57     344
    5       0       6      51       0       0       0      57     401
    6      12       4      26       0       0       0      42     443
    7       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     443
    8       0       0       0       0       0       0       0     443
    9       3       8      61       0       0       0      72     515
   10       2       3      46       0       0       0      51     566
   11       0       1      49       0       0       0      50     616
   12       1       5      44       0       0       0      50     666
   13       0       1       0      34      11       0      46     712
   14       0       0       0       0     107       0     107     819
   15       0       0       0       0     129       4     133     952
   16       0       0       0       0      96      10     106    1058
   17       0       0       0       0      79       5      84    1142
   18       0       0       0       0      37      14      51    1193
   19       0       0       0      34      10       2      46    1239
   20       0       0       0      12      22       1      35    1274
   21       0       0       0       9      13       0      22    1296
   22       0       0       0       3      47       1      51    1347
   23       0       0       0       0      38       0      38    1385

    0       0       0       0       9      36       0      45    1430
    1       0       0      13       1      10       0      24    1454
    2       0       0      24       0       0       0      24    1478
    3       0       0       2       0       0       0       2    1480
    4       0       0       0       0       0       0       0    1480
    5       3       5       1       0       0       0       9    1489
    6       1      10       9       0       0       0      20    1509
    7       0       0      61       0       0       0      61    1570
    8       0       0      74       0       0       0      74    1644
    9       0       2      23       0       0       0      25    1669
   10       0       1      31       0       0       0      32    1701
   11       0       3      39       0       0       0      42    1743
   12       0       3      29       2       0       0      34    1777
   13       0       0       0      99       0       0      99    1876
   14       0       0       0      94       0       0      94    1970
   15       0       0       0      32      16       0      48    2018
   16       0       0       0       8      35       0      43    2061
   17       0       0       0       2      64       0      66    2127
   18       0       0       0       1      11      32      44    2171
   19       0       0       0       4      15       7      26    2197
   20       0       0       0      11      11       1      23    2220
   21       0       0       0      10       1       0      11    2231
   22       0       0       3       1      11       0      15    2246
   23       0       1       7       1       8       0      17    2263

    0       0       0       0       0       1       0       1    2264

  TOTAL    22      91     699     395     980      77   

Continent List  Continents

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0     1     0     4     0     0     0     0      5
  VE calls    =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  N.A. calls  =     17    18    25    22    34    17     0     0     0    133
  S.A. calls  =      4    10    15    17    33    23     0     0     0    102
  Euro calls  =      0    48   337   320   599    32     0     0     0   1336
  Afrc calls  =      0     1     7     5     4     3     0     0     0     20
  Asia calls  =      0     2    22    21    25     0     0     0     0     70
  JA calls    =      1    11   268     8   257     0     0     0     0    545
  Ocen calls  =      0     1    24     2    24     2     0     0     0     53

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  Total calls =     22    91   699   395   980    77     0     0     0   2264

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