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Mon Feb 21 21:58:12 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: K8CC
Operator(s): K8BB, K8CC, KK8I, W8LU, W8MJ
Station: K8CC

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   75    46
   80:  268    74
   40:  628    94
   20:  813   102
   15: 1018    94
   10:   67    50
Total: 2869   460  Total Score = 3,959,220

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Really wasn't sure what to expect from this weekend.  We did the same
contest/category eleven years (one sunspot cycle) ago with much the same station
and only made 1.4M.  Did same thing last year and had 5.25M.  All in all, pretty
happy with the score.

Had to do a flurry of antenna work in the three days before the contest.  The
ten year old wire 80M 4-square was taken down last fall for R&R and never put
back up  until Thursday in 20 deg F and blowing snow wx by K8BB and I.  On
Friday, KK8I/DL2HBX and I were out in the same temps stringing a 500' beverage
to EU and a 450' to SA.  By the time the contest hit, this OM was beat!

Another fun thing this weekend was the re-commissioning of a piece of contest
history.  Two summers ago, I was fortunate to acquire the 4-1000A RF decks from
the estate of Ed Bissell, W3AU (SK).  Those of us who have been around two or
three decades, or who are students of contesting history, know W3AU and it's
predecssor callsign W3MSK as one of the true early pioneers of multi-multi
contest stations.  Over this winter I cleaned up the 20M deck and with a small
amount of modernization we got it on the air this weekend.  If Ed's looking down
on the contest this weekend, I'd like to think he'd be pleased.

For us, the story of the contest was poor conditions much of the time on 40M. 
Compared to 2004, we pretty much matched on 160, 80 and 20, up on 15, down on 40
and 10.  Both nights, 40M was not good for us until EU sunrise but then it
stayed "CQable" until well after 09Z.  10M was poor, but at least good enough to
have a mediocre mult count.  15M was terrific on Sunday AM.

It was tricky to jocky op schedules this time.  Five ops on the roster, but only
K8CC was here 100%.  Still, had two ops in place at all times, which is all
that's needed.



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