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Wed Feb 23 18:29:50 EST 2005

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW

Call: K4RO
Operator(s): K4RO
Station: K4RO

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   32    24
   80:  185    56
   40:  219    66
   20:  287    77
   15:  605    78
   10:   78    39
Total: 1403   340  Total Score = 1,410,660

Club: Tennessee Contest Group


About 36 hours total operation.  Lots of breaks and some sleep
each night.  After operating 46 hours last year and not making
the top ten, I've learned my lesson in this contest from home.
TR-Log reports 169 band changes.  487 QSO's were made S&P; the
other 942 QSOs were made running.  I could have run more QSO's,
but actually I had more fun S&Ping and cracking the big pileups.

It was good to have the ring rotator working to spec again, but
I still have some serious inter-station interference issues that
must be dealt.  Line noise continues to plague my intermittently.
I found the pole this time, but NES did not respond in time.

80 meters was in great shape the first night.  I could hardly
believe I was running EU with a half sloper from middle Tennessee.
I almost fell out of the chair when SU9NC answered my 80 meter CQ!
The contest ended on a high note as VP8/LZ2A pulled my out of the
biggest pileup I heard all weekend for my very last QSO.

Thanks to all the great DX ops and DXpeditioners who spend their
time to run us NA stations all weekend long.  C U next year!


-Kirk  K4RO

                  160    80    40    20    15    10     ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --     ---
  USA calls   =      0     2     6     2     5     0      15
  VE calls    =      0     0     1     3     0     0       4
  N.A. calls  =     13    10    24    28    31    18     124
  S.A. calls  =      4     9    14    23    31    22     103
  Euro calls  =     15   157   155   175   491    35    1028
  Afrc calls  =      0     4     7     7     7     1      26
  Asia calls  =      0     0     3    18     4     0      25
  JA calls    =      0     1     6    19    29     0      55
  Ocen calls  =      0     2     3     9     7     2      23

  Total calls =     32   185   219   284   605    78    1403

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