[3830] CQ160 SSB P40W(W2GD) Single Op HP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Feb 28 07:54:43 EST 2005

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB

Call: P40W
Operator(s): W2GD
Station: P40W

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Aruba
Operating Time (hrs): 13

Total:  QSOs = 615  State/Prov = 56  Countries = 53  Total Score = 661,303

Club: Frankford Radio Club


Rig:  IC756ProII, Tentec Titan 425 - 1 KW
Antenna:  Vertical Dipole (50' vert), beverages NE and NW

Condx definitely not as good to EU this year as compared to last.  But did
manage to increase totals in every catagory this time, pushing the score 20%
higher compared to 2004.

First night contended with elevated atmospheric QRN levels that are typical
here.  Thank god for beverage antennas....on the TX antenna the S meter hovered
at S9+10db.  Second night the noise was down but a power line QRN problem to the
NW was constantly cycling on and off which probably made me an alligator to many
US stations who called....very sorry.  Missed DC WY and VE4 which where
apparently all active.  I appreciate comparitive signal reports.  Eamil me at
w2gd at hotmail.com

Biggest thrill of the weekend was working A61AJ (K2GM opr.) at his
sunrise.....honest S9+10 db signal.  Only Asia worked all weekend.  No PAC or JA

Interesting to observe band conditions here at local sunset.  WB9Z, N2CW and
W4MYA open the band from the states consistently night after night.  

Congrats to D4B, CN2R, LY4A, VY2ZM and others who have posted some great S/O
scores.  This is not an easy contest!  And thanks to all of the casual operators
who took the time to make some contacts. 

Will be QRV next weekend in ARRL DX Phone.  CU then.

John W2GD/P40W
w2gd at hotmail.com

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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