[3830] NAQP SSB KZ9O(K9MU) Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jan 16 13:36:46 EST 2005

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: KZ9O
Operator(s): K9MU
Station: W0AIH

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  137    40
   80:  318    52
   40:  160    34
   20:  202    43
   15:   54    19
   10:   26     8
Total:  897   196  Total Score = 178,503

Club: Minnesota Wireless Association



A big thanks goes out to W0AIH for letting me use his station and KB9S for
getting the stations computers setup with CT v10. I left the station in its M/M
configuration and played musical chairs for 10 hrs. I thought the high bands
were poor while 80M and 160M were rockin'! I would of liked more time on 20M but
W0AIH had a good friend from Kazakhstan (UN7LQ?) who was operating there from
the bomb shelter. My best 10 QSO rate was 273 on 160M at 0330z. I also had 200
plus QSO rates on 80M, 40M, and 20M. The WE4YL contest team decided that we
would use the name Elvis as we have in past NAQP contests. We soon found out
that another team from TN was also using Elvis to commemorate his 70th Birthday.
We will be back next year with a funkier name.

Until then, peace out.

Justin/Elvis, K9MU

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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