[3830] K5GN May sprint

David and Amy McCarty mccarty at hal-pc.org
Sun May 1 02:03:52 EDT 2005

Fun with noise and QSB.

249x43 10664


QSO  HR  20  40  80

 79  79  58  21
147  68  15  53
204  57   1  29  27
249  45      13  32
         74 116  59

Stats include K1KI/M in two states on 40; probably only one counts.

Missed Ala, Ak, KS, Mn, Mt, NDak, Ne, Ri, Ut, Vt, VE2, VE5, VE6, VE8.

Heard a VE6 but he was ragchewing.  No DX Mults.

Heard KU8E at least 9 times all wrong timing!


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