[3830] W8W Special Event Station, May 7 & 8

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.net
Mon May 2 16:45:51 EDT 2005

The Cincinnati Buckeye Netters will be operating a special event station 
W8W during the Tour of the Scioto River Valley (http://www.tosrv.org)

Approximate hours of operation

May 7 - From about noon to about 6 p.m EDT (1600 to 2200Z)
May 8 - From about 7 a.m. to about 11 a.m. EDT (1100 to 1500Z)

Frequencies:  SSB: 40 meters 7250 + (depending on QRM)  Even hours
                   20 meters 14250 + (depending on QRM) Odd hours

              CW: 40 meters 7040 + (depending on QRM)
                  20 meters 14040 + (depending on QRM)

We'll try to be on the Phone segments during the first half of the 
appointed hours, CW during the last half.

Our primary mission is rider safety, so if weather is bad or other 
things cause too many medical emergencies we may not be able to maintain 
the above schedule.

We'll be printing scenic special event QSL cards.  Send SASE c/o N8XX

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