[3830] NewEngQP WA1Z SO Mobile LP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon May 9 09:57:51 EDT 2005

                    New England QSO Party

Call: WA1Z
Operator(s): WA1Z
Station: WA1Z

Class: SO Mobile LP
Operating Time (hrs): 15

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
Total:    411       25  Mults = 56  Total Score = 47,432

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Not a full effort.  Family obligations dictated where I went and when this
weekend.  Went to visit my Mom in Essex MA on Sunday for about 3 hours.  Next
year I'll help activate rarer counties than ESSMA, MIDMA, ROCNH, and HILNH.

I think I've found my favorite category for this contest!  Stayed too long in
the first three counties, but I was having so much fun I didn't want to waste
time driving.  Got to Belknap NH too late for 40.  Ran out of time on Saturday
night and only had 20 minutes to work with in Merrimac NH.  Lessons learned
along the way....

Thanks for all the contacts, including N4PN, KA0GGI, K4LTA, K0JPL, WN1GIV, and
many more who kept things interesting from county to county.

County	QSOs	Pts	Mults	Score	Time
CARNH	48	90	23	2070	2:18
COONH	91	182	41	7462	1:52
GRANH	51	102	22	2244	2:11
BELNH	22	44	14	 616	1:18
MERNH	 7	14	 4	  56	0:17	

County	QSOs	Pts	Mults	Score	Time
YORME	41	78	24	1872	1:10
STRNH	44	84	19	1596	1:04
ROCNH	36	66	21	1386	1:25
ESSMA	25	46	11	 506	1:24
MIDMA	33	65	17	1105	1:05
HILNH	38	76	20	1520	0:55

Totals 	QSOs	Pts	Mults	Score	Time
11 Cnty	436	847	56	47432	~15:00

We'll see you next year on the road...
Bob WA1Z

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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