webform at b4h.net
Tue May 31 03:59:19 EDT 2005
CQWW WPX Contest, CW
Call: TK9A
Operator(s): S51TA
Station: TK5KP
Class: SO(TS)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs
160: 22
80: 142
40: 495
20: 1234
15: 957
10: 283
Total: 3133 Prefixes = 837 Total Score = 5,658,957
Club: Bavarian Contest Club
Another craddle to grave contestº)
As the school year almost ended I decided to go TK again, because of contesting
and because of great people, wine etc too..... As my YL could not get a few days
off I decided to go TK with an old friend of mine Jaka S57MHZ, curently
inactive, but therefore more active in scubadiving......in last days B4 trip his
yl joined.......
Somehow this was a busy and condensed trip (as my average sleeping period for
last week is aprox 4 hours..)as we arrived on wedestday afternoon and leave
Monday early afternoon........
Anyway I decided to go LP as I did not have enough of time and equipment for
installing all for HP (bandpass filters or antennas much appart), but wanted to
operate full SO2R as I actually did. Second reason for LP was because I just get
used too much on a KW, clear frequency etc..I wanted to be tuff... 3rd reason
was If would be using amps the shack would be much too warm:)
But actually I decided to work LP in general on the way down to TK, facing facts
for excitement.
Beacuse Patrick, tk5ep took a day off from his job I was fully ready to go on
thurstday afternoon (but tired), with a first time 3band version SPIDERBEAM
(www.spiderbeam.net) installed and tuned by me(as I have it for almost more than
a year now) and three separate dipoles for low bands from a huge broadcast tower
60m from the qth schack. Actually no interaction with using 100w and so2r were
observed, even without bandpass filters.....
On thurstday afternoon tk5mh joined and we were checking the performances of the
spiderbeam, compared to a tribander dipole on the qth..., due to lack of
activity the results were unconclusive, but later on great performance of
spiderbeam were observed and measured- FB/FS and gain over a tribander dipole on
DX signals (from about s5-s7 on spiderbeam to s0(S meter wasn't mooving) on the
dipol on the qth..thus such difference is too big to be trouth but generally I
want to say antenna is working well over expected...). I must tell you it is
time consuming to assemble the antena for the first time (home work) so you
actually just have enought off all at the end but that is well over payed off
when the antenna is put up on the air!!!
The contest started fine, with no big problems except some audio mixing one, so
corespondends were often asked to give me report again.......or I accidently
push the wrong button and gave report the wrong radio.......
I almost forgot what all can be worked and heard on a dipoles for low bands on
high bands(as I was using low band dipoles for 2nd radio high bands.....).
My tactic were to make as much possible US on high bands and as much as possible
S&P on low ones.........
Saturday was better than Sunday, also worked some US on 10m.
Listened to cs5a and could not really compete over the advantages of western
part of europe QTH's, what a difference.......
I used ts850 and ic775 as radios, modified wx0b box, WINTEST SW
(www.win-test.com), laptop and the antennas stated above.....I am just amazed
how well actually spiderbeam is working! Really I was rather sceptical b4 using
it, but now the eco tribander (which I have for field day style operation) start
colecting dust or maybe gone to the graveyard.....
Anyway I do not know how others did, but from the scores this score is aprox
1MIO above the old LP TS europe record, but we will see how others did.
Again thanks to Patrick, TK5EP for his great hospitality, kindness and even
more, for which words can not be found easily......
73 cu iaru HF as S580HQ 15M CW
Ted, s51ta
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