webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue May 31 14:09:59 EDT 2005

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: VE3JM
Operator(s): VE3JM
Station: VE3RM

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 35

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   52
   40:  768
   20: 1070
   15:  630
   10:    7
Total: 2527  Prefixes = 794  Total Score = 6,876,834

Club: Contest Club Ontario


Surprisingly nice conditions in the first 24 hours or so.
The contest didn’t start as planned. I came to Don’s 2 hours before the start
and was hoping that I would be able to set WriteLog and two radios. My home made
SO2R box required more COM ports than available on Don’s PC. Then I decided to
switch to another logging program. The computer setup didn’t go well, the
contest already started and I was thinking of not doing the contest at all.

Finally started 30 minutes later with one radio and logging software that I am
not very familiar with. Was very depressed with a lousy start, but by Saturday
morning when 15 opened to Europe, I almost forgot about all the trouble.

I lost at least another 30 minutes during the contest due to computer problems.
Hope to learn something from this so next time I would prepare better and fix at
least one of the errors that I made.

But thanks to good conditions, finished the contest with higher numbers than
expected. Actually, after seeing other scores and that I am not much behind EJ,
I am very pleased :-)

I would like to thank Don for letting me use his station and having a great
time. He doesn’t have stacks or monobanders for higher bands, but apparently
nice scores can be made from there. Hope to see you in IARU.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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