[3830] PY2NY WAE RTTY LP All Band
PY2NY - Vitor
py2ny at arrl.net
Tue Nov 15 14:57:38 EST 2005
Hi guys - something of my job at WAE RTTY.
Was amazing to do 8P2K and other
countries on 80 using just 100 watts. Almost
unbelievable to me !! I was really tired, but
was fine to find a lot of friends, missing
just old one - NA2M - where are you??
At our country ZX7A low power seems to
be unbeteable. See you at CQ WW CW.
73 dx ... - py2ny -
QSOs QTCs Multipliers
80m: 7 0 28
40m: 121 100 132
20m: 221 420 128
15m: 255 794 122
10m: 19 10 32
Total: 623 + 1324 x 442 = 860574
Station Description: FT1000mp MKV-Field 100 watts
Antenna(s): KT-34-XA @22m - 40-2CD @25m - AlphaDelta Sloper @20m
Remarks: Laptop soundboard + MMTTY
Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos, ZX2B
P O Box 204
Jaboticabal, SP - Brasil
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