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Mon Nov 28 11:28:25 EST 2005

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: N2IC
Operator(s): N2IC
Station: N2IC

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: New Mexico
Operating Time (hrs): 43
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   57    15       27
   80:  236    29       78
   40:  745    33       96
   20:  780    35      117
   15:  390    27       85
   10:   35    10       20
Total: 2242   149      423  Total Score = 3,502,356



After the great 15 meter conditions from here in CQWW SSB, I was feeling pretty
cocky about CQWW CW – Something along the lines of “who needs those stinkin
sunspots when you're at latitude 32 degrees ?”. Well, the lack of ionization
caught up with me this weekend.

Started the contest on 15, hoping for a good JA run.  Stayed there 4 minutes,
and 2 QSO's and moved to 20.  Fair JA run on 20 until only 0120Z, then down to
40 to check out EU.  A poor opening – only the big guns were workable. 
Fortunately, 20 came back to life around 0155Z, with more JA's into the log
until just after 03Z.  The next 4 hours were all S&P, including an excellent EU
opening on 80.  Recently put up a 2 element wire beam on 80, switchable between
NE and SW.  It was really nice to not have Europeans CQ in my face !  After that
fun was over, settled in for a night of 40 meter JA's, beginning around 0630Z,
while using the 2nd radio to scan for any new QSO's on 80 and 160.  Highlights
for the next 7 hours include a very late QSO with GW3JXN on 80 at 0839Z, moving
KG6DX from 40 to 80, VK6VZ on 160 at 1113Z, and a nice JA run on 80 during the
11Z hour.   Also, some nice Asians on 80 – B1Z, VK9AA,  9V1YC, BU2AI.  The BY
woodpecker seems to have moved from 160 to 40.  Great for the topband guys, not
so good for the rest of us, although it was nice to work JA and UA0 on 160. 
Near sunrise, I still needed VK on 80.  It was really fun to switch the beam to
SW, call CQ, and have VK2IMM answer within a minute. 

Sunrise came, and the fun ended.  20 was poor to EU, and 15 was dead, except for
Carrib/SA.  Went back to 40 to try some EU longpath, but it wasn't runnable
either.  R1MVC and 4L8A were nice mults, however.  It was a long, tedious day of
S&P on 20, 15 and 10.  SO2R provides no advantages when you can't run anywhere. 
It was so slow that I took an hour break from 2030Z-2130Z. Things brightened up
when 15 opened to JA at 2145Z, for a nice, but not exceptional, 2 hour run.  Was
hoping for a good 40 meter opening to EU before sunset, but nothing doing there,
except for S&P of some badly needed EU mults.  Back to 15 meter JA, which closed
at 0005Z – exactly at local sunset.  The plan was now to run JA on 20 until it
closed around 0130Z, then sleep until 05Z.

Woke up to a roaring windstorm at 0430Z.  The WX bureau had been forecasting
this for days, so I wasn't surprised.  60+ MPH wind all night long, until around
noon Sunday.  In addition, we had unforecasted rain/sleet/snow which caused
S9+40 dB corona QRN on all bands !  Fortunately, the QRN only lasted until
0530Z.  80 was in great shape to EU, but now they were CQing in my face !  Uh-oh
– the pattern on the 80 meter beam is gone to the NE.  It would be morning
before I could see what the problem was.  Nothing to do but settle in for a long
night of 40 meter JA, and S&P anything that moves on the other bands, and hope
the winds didn't destroy and antennas or rotators.  Did work a few goodies –
EA6IB, for my only EU on 160, ZL3IX, KL7WV and PV8DX on 160.  Wanted to try some
LP on 80.  Never heard any juicy mideast mults, but did work UA3TCJ, UA9MA (Zone
17 mult), RZ3AXX and RW0AR (Zone 18 mult).   Despite some problems, 80 really
was fun – 78 countries/29 zones – way more than I ever had before from Colorado
or New Mexico.  That was fun !

Sunrise came, and 20 was MUCH better this morning. A good 2 hour EU run,
including my only 100+ hour of the contest.  Kept an ear on 15, hoping for an EU
run, but it never got that good.  Would have liked to use the 2nd radio on 15
but it just doesn't work that way – You're fighting to hold a clear frequency on
20, working very weak stations, and you're not easily getting QSO's on 15 when
it's only a scatter path to EU.  Quickly went to 15 at 16Z for concentrated S&P
to pick up EU mults on the scatter path.  I think I was a few minutes late –
even the scatter sigs from EU were fading fast.  Back to 20, but the run was
gone for me, although stations up north, such as Colorado and Washington were
still running.  Being farther south does have its drawbacks !

More S&P from 17Z until 21Z. 15 did open to JA again around 22Z, but the rate
was slow.  At least the frequency was unchallenged, so I could S&P on 20 at the
same time.   The contest ended without much excitement.  

Thanks to everyone who worked me, or even tried to work me !  Without all of
you, there wouldn't be a contest !  See you next year, but maybe not from the
New Mexico QTH.  Without sunspots, there's a strong magnetic pull to the east
and south !

Steve, N2IC

Callsign: N2IC
Contest: CQ-WW-CW
Operators: N2IC

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y --------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
0000       0      0      5     83      8      0     96    4.3
0100       0      0     37     32      0      0     69    3.1
0200       0      0     13     53      0      0     66    2.9
0300       0      3     28     18      0      0     49    2.2
0400       4     28      0      0      0      0     32    1.4
0500       7     28      0      0      0      0     35    1.6
0600       1     17     24      0      0      0     42    1.9
0700       3      0     84      0      0      0     87    3.9
0800       0      8     71      0      0      0     79    3.5
0900       8      1     60      0      0      0     69    3.1
1000       0     16     43      0      0      0     59    2.6
1100       5     61     10      0      0      0     76    3.4
1200       4     24     41      0      0      0     69    3.1
1300       4     13     18      7      0      0     42    1.9
1400       0      1      9     25     16      0     51    2.3
1500       0      0      0     45     18      0     63    2.8
1600       0      0      0     57      7      2     66    2.9
1700       0      0      0     19     29     16     64    2.8
1800       0      0      0     10     14      6     30    1.3
1900       0      0      0     17     12      0     29    1.3
2000       0      0      0      5      2      2      9    0.4
2100       0      0      0     15     17      1     33    1.5
2200       0      0      0      9     82      0     91    4.0
2300       0      0     19      0     42      1     62    2.8
0000       0      0      8     61     12      0     81    3.6
0100       0      0      9      8      0      0     17    0.8
0200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    0.0
0300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    0.0
0400       0      0      3      0      0      0      3    0.1
0500       3     11     10      0      0      0     24    1.1
0600       6      1     13      0      0      0     20    0.9
0700       2      0     42      0      0      0     44    2.0
0800       0      3     73      0      0      0     76    3.4
0900       7      8     34      0      0      0     49    2.2
1000       2      2     45      0      0      0     49    2.2
1100       0      3     25      0      0      0     28    1.2
1200       1      1     17      0      0      0     19    0.8
1300       0      6      0      4      0      0     10    0.4
1400       0      0      0    108      0      0    108    4.8
1500       0      0      0     87      4      0     91    4.0
1600       0      0      0     22     13      1     36    1.6
1700       0      0      0     32      0      2     34    1.5
1800       0      0      0     15     11      2     28    1.2
1900       0      0      0      2     22      2     26    1.2
2000       0      0      0      3     15      0     18    0.8
2100       0      0      0     32      3      0     35    1.6
2200       0      0      0      8     38      0     46    2.0
2300       0      0      4      3     25      0     32    1.4
Total     57    235    745    780    390     35   2242

Gross QSO's=2252        Dupes=10        Net QSO's=2242

Unique callsigns worked = 1616

The best 60 minute rate was 108/hour from 1357 to 1456
The best 30 minute rate was 122/hour from 1133 to 1202
The best 10 minute rate was 162/hour from 0005 to 0014

The best 1 minute rates were:
 4 QSO's/minute    4 times.
 3 QSO's/minute  118 times.
 2 QSO's/minute  444 times.
 1 QSO's/minute  984 times.

There were 255 bandchanges and 80 probable 2nd radio QSO's.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3        10
   4       423
   5       686
   6      1045
   7        17
   8        41
   9        10
  10        10

------------ M u l t i p l i e r   S u m m a r y ------------
Mult     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
25         5     83    438    178    183      0    887   39.4
14         1     27     38    178     21      0    265   11.8
15         0     28     55    129     15      0    227   10.1
04        16     17     41     49     24      0    147    6.5
08         9     13     22     29     23      5    101    4.5
05         6      6     20     27     12      2     73    3.2
03         3      7     17     29      5      1     62    2.8
16         0      6     11     40      0      0     57    2.5
09         3      8      9     12     14      7     53    2.4
13         0      1      6     15     18     11     51    2.3
19         2      5     13     10      3      0     33    1.5
11         1      1      7      7     13      3     32    1.4
33         0      4      7     11      7      0     29    1.3
30         0      3      2      6      8      0     19    0.8
07         3      1      4      4      5      1     18    0.8
20         0      2      2     13      0      0     17    0.8
32         1      3      2      2      6      2     16    0.7
31         0      1      5      3      7      0     16    0.7
06         4      4      2      2      3      0     15    0.7
24         0      4      7      3      1      0     15    0.7
27         0      2      4      5      3      0     14    0.6
17         0      1     12      1      0      0     14    0.6
01         1      2      2      4      3      0     12    0.5
10         1      1      2      2      2      2     10    0.4
35         0      1      2      3      3      0      9    0.4
38         0      0      2      3      4      0      9    0.4
18         0      1      5      2      0      0      8    0.4
28         0      1      2      3      2      0      8    0.4
36         0      0      1      2      3      0      6    0.3
12         0      1      0      1      1      1      4    0.2
29         1      1      1      1      0      0      4    0.2
26         0      0      2      1      0      0      3    0.1
40         0      0      0      2      0      0      2    0.1
37         0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
39         0      0      0      2      0      0      2    0.1
21         0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
23         0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
Total     57    235    745    780    390     35   2242

Multi-band QSO's
1 bands    1239
2 bands     217
3 bands      94
4 bands      46
5 bands      17
6 bands       3

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

HC8N        PJ2T        8P5A        

----- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O ' s  -----
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs     19     95    447    499    167     12

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