webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Tue Nov 29 04:16:12 EST 2005

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: VE7UF
Operator(s): VE7UF
Station: VE7UF

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Courtenay
Operating Time (hrs): 30 hrs

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   72     8        7
   80:  188    16       25
   40:  442    27       54
   20:  565    29       76
   15:  270    24       38
   10:    9     3        4
Total: 1546   107      204  Total Score = 1,149,748

Club: British Columbia DX Club


Conditions here were not nearly as good as last year on all bands.  No JAs on
15M and no EU on 40M Saturday.  I operated continuously from the start to 1500Z
Saturday and was discouraged enough by the results (650 Qs) plus a still no 20M
opening that I quit for a few hours sleep.  I didn't get started again until
2330Z and had a nice JA run on 15M about 2 hours before the band folded (added
200 Qs)  Then I made a few Qs on 20 before being again discouraged by the almost
total lack of EU on 40M except for a few on LP Sunday morning.  I managed to
work a few EU on 80M before giving up until about 1000Z Sunday. I managed a
skimpy 40M Ja run and S&Ped for mults on the low bands until 20M opened up on
Sunday at 1800Z (only 1000 Qs by then).  I managed a nice 150 Q EU run on 20M. 
Only 5 EU called on 15M, but had almost to many US stations calling while
running on 15M for the first time.  Quite a rush for almost a full hour.  The
last 8 hours were the best for once.  Last Q count is 1546 in 30 hours of
operating time.  My thanks to all that called.

Duane  VE7UF

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