[3830] CQWW CW N2WN SOSB 80 LP

Julius doktorij at bellsouth.net
Mon Nov 28 22:03:16 EST 2005

      CQWWCW Score Summary Sheet

      Start Date : 2005-11-24

   CallSign Used : N2WN
     Operator(s) : N2WN

            Band : 80M
           Power : LOW
            Mode : CW
Default Exchange : 5
      Gridsquare : EM86EE

    ARRL Section : TN (Grainger County)
       Club/Team : Tennessee Contest Group
         Software: N1MM Logger V5.11.6

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   ZN
         3.5     267    712   90   22
          14     148    413   69   23
          21       1      3    1    1
       Total     416   1128  160   46

           Score : 79,744
             Rig : Elecraft K2/100 #3311

        Antennas : phased 80M wire "T" Verticals

         Soapbox : My best time was when I was close to dozing off 
Saturday night, the dial slowly turning in sleepy fingers.... OJ0B!!! no 
pileup!! two calls and they're mine, then just down the dial a short 
piece R1MVC, the same... no pileup! OK, so not everything was perfect, 
couldn't land 8Q7DV *sigh* Europe showed up around 3:30PM, with the 
power stations and slowly more and more low power stations popping in. 
Propagation was decent and it was quiet until Sunday, lotsa QRN making 
it almost a waste from this QTH. There were a lot of good ears on the 
other side of the ponds. Played on 20M with the new antenna, it was nice 
not to fight so hard.CUOTA...

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