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Tue Nov 29 13:58:50 EST 2005
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
Call: K2PS
Operator(s): K2PS
Station: K2PS
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 32
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 19 5 7
80: 134 13 56
40: 176 24 77
20: 733 26 97
15: 175 21 68
10: 31 11 18
Total: 1268 100 323 Total Score = 1,526,607
Club: Frankford Radio Club
This was my first contest with new C31XR tribander. Hard to say how it
performed compared with the TH6 last year, since condx were so different. 15
and 10 were, of course, way down, but so was 40. Was never able to get a run
going this time on 40, but mults were about the same. I regretted not having a
160 antenna, since I was hearing the EU's on my 80 sloper, but even so, was able
to work a few Caribbean mults there. And 80 and 20 were certainly better. I
should probably conclude that the antenna performed superbly on 20 (733 Q's vs.
424 last year), even though I spent much more time on the band. Have to figure
that everyone else crowded the band too, but I had no trouble holding a
frequency there. Top run rate there was 76, and was over 70 three hours with my
LP. Be interesting to know how much better I'd push it to with HP, but the
desire for friendly neighbors preclude that.
My apologies to Darrell, AB2E. Actually duped him on 20! Worked him once for
the mult, but the other was a hoped-for Q with VP2E.
Pete, K2PS
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