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Wed Nov 30 20:52:40 EST 2005

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: V26K
Operator(s): AA3B
Station: V26B

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Antigua
Operating Time (hrs): 42.2

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  219    13       34
   80:  609    16       72
   40: 1529    26       99
   20: 1190    24       88
   15: 1582    23       95
   10:  340    12       21
Total: 5469   114      409  Total Score = 7,175,560

Club: Frankford Radio Club


This was my tenth trip to the Caribbean for CQ WW CW and eight visit to the V26B
super station.  As always, I would like to thank WT3Q, N3OC, V21N and Team
Antigua for helping to make this effort possible.

I set goals prior to every trip.  I develop these goals by scaling my previous
year score based on the CQ WW SSB results from V26B and other Zone 8 stations
(this year I used 8P1A).  The following is a comparison of my goals and

       Goal   Goal    Actual  Actual  Delta  Delta
Band   QSOS   Mults   QSOS    Mults   QSOS   Mults

160     176    35      219     47      43     12
80      441    88      609     88     168      0
40     1149   128     1529    125     380     -3
20     1399   131     1190    112    -209    -19
15     1824   139     1582    118    -242    -21
10      811    71      340     33    -471    -38

Total  5800   590     5469    523    -331    -69

It is obvious that I underestimated the low band performance and overestimated
high band performance.  The following are my band by band observations.

160: I heard and worked stuff on this band that I’ve never believed was possible
using low power.  QRN was very low.  These were my highest QSO and multiplier
totals ever.

80: Signals from Europe were booming and I enjoyed several hours of great runs.
These were my highest QSO and multiplier totals ever.

40: This band just kept going and going!  Again, these were my highest QSO and
multiplier totals ever.

20: This was my highest QSO tally on this band, but multipliers were a
disappointment.  Zones in particularly were tough to come by.

15: I knew this was going to be the big band, but I did not get the performance
I was hoping for.  My QSO and multiplier totals were both mediocre compared to
previous years.  Not sure why.

10: Huge disappointment.  I did catch a good NA opening on Saturday, but Sunday
was tough sledding.  I was particularly frustrated by not being able to work
Zone 8 or Zone 9 stations – I heard them but they couldn’t hear me!

In addition to setting band goals, I also establish what I call “scenario”
goals.  There are three scenarios from Zone 8 – run 3 point QSOs (mostly
Europe), hunt for multipliers, and run 2 point QSOs (NA & CA). These goals help
me manage my operating time allocations.  The following is a comparison of my
operating scenario goals vs. actuals:

           Goal       Actual       Delta

Run 3 Pt    28         26.9         1.1      hours
Hunt         5          5.1         0.1      hours
Run 2 Pt    10         10.2         0.2      hours
Total       43         42.2        -0.8      hours

I remained true to the plan for the most part.  I took three 1.5 hour breaks for
sleep and generally felt good during the duration of the contest. The above time
allocations produced the following results:

             QSOs/   Mults/   Points/
Scenario      Hr       Hr       Hr

Overall      129      12      170228
Run 3 Pt     142      13      177987
Hunting       19      20      273554
Run 2 Pt     152       7       98179

The above results highlight the benefit of hunting and running 3 pointers.  The
problem with hunting is that it becomes increasingly less productive through the
course of the contest; indeed my last hunt period produced only 7 multipliers in
30 minutes – this is one part of the contest I wish I had to do over again.

Thanks for all the QSOs.  I’ll try again in 2006.  QSL via AA3B.

73 Bud V26K / AA3B

Here are other breakdowns and information:

Hr   160M    80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total   Cumm

00z  --+-    --+-   154/36    7/4    --+-    --+-   161/40  161/40
01z    -       -    190/17     -       -       -    190/17  351/57
02z    -       -    169/11     -       -       -    169/11  520/68
03z    -       -    168/4      -       -       -    168/4   688/72
04z    -     17/11   97/4      -       -       -    114/15  802/87
05z 100/19   33/12    6/0      -       -       -    139/31  941/118
06z    -    167/29     -       -       -       -    167/29 1108/147
07z  28/0    75/3    34/3      -       -       -    137/6  1245/153
08z   1/0     1/0     9/0    --+-    --+-    --+-    11/0  1256/153
09z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0  1256/153
10z    -       -     24/2    88/33     -       -    112/35 1368/188
11z    -       -       -     16/3   163/48     -    179/51 1547/239
12z    -       -       -       -    170/9      -    170/9  1717/248
13z    -       -       -       -    182/6      -    182/6  1899/254
14z    -       -       -       -    117/3    66/6   183/9  2082/263
15z    -       -       -      8/1   149/7      -    157/8  2239/271
16z  --+-    --+-    --+-   162/22   --+-    --+-   162/22 2401/293
17z    -       -       -     69/2      -    121/7   190/9  2591/302
18z    -       -       -      1/1    11/12   78/6    90/19 2681/321
19z    -       -       -      1/1   136/12    1/1   138/14 2819/335
20z    -       -       -       -    202/3      -    202/3  3021/338
21z    -       -    109/13     -     16/2      -    125/15 3146/353
22z    -       -       -    100/15     -       -    100/15 3246/368
23z   1/2     1/1     5/4    94/3      -       -    101/10 3347/378

00z  --+-    --+-   146/8    --+-    --+-    --+-   146/8  3493/386
01z   2/4     5/6    75/2      -       -       -     82/12 3575/398
02z   5/5      -       -       -       -       -      5/5  3580/403
03z   4/5     1/0     1/0     1/0     1/0      -      8/5  3588/408
04z  71/6    16/2      -       -       -       -     87/8  3675/416
05z    -    104/8      -       -       -       -    104/8  3779/424
06z    -    106/6     1/1      -       -       -    107/7  3886/431
07z   1/1    74/4     5/6      -       -       -     80/11 3966/442
08z  --+-    --+-    --+-    --+-    --+-    --+-     0/0  3966/442
09z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0  3966/442
10z   1/1     4/3    47/9      -       -       -     52/13 4018/455
11z    -       -     13/0   108/2      -       -    121/2  4139/457
12z    -       -       -     74/2    73/2      -    147/4  4286/461
13z    -       -       -     18/1    97/1     1/2   116/4  4402/465
14z    -       -       -     13/2    94/7     1/0   108/9  4510/474
15z    -       -       -    120/8     1/2      -    121/10 4631/484
16z  --+-    --+-    --+-    30/1    --+-    34/5    64/6  4695/490
17z    -       -       -      1/1    89/2    15/1   105/4  4800/494
18z    -       -       -     36/2    22/0    23/5    81/7  4881/501
19z    -       -       -    185/5      -       -    185/5  5066/506
20z    -       -       -     52/2    58/2      -    110/4  5176/510
21z    -       -    110/4     1/1      -       -    111/5  5287/515
22z    -       -    147/1      -       -       -    147/1  5434/516
23z   5/4     5/3    19/0     5/0     1/0      -     35/7  5469/523

All 219/47 609/88 1529/125 1190/112 1582/118 340/33 

    160M   80M   40M   20M   15M   10M   Total     %

NA   193   272   654   586   659   323   2687   49.1
EU    13   316   801   525   878     0   2533   46.3
AF     2     9    11    12    16     4     54    1.0
AS     0     1    45    43     8     0     97    1.8
SA    11    11    12    21    18    13     86    1.6
OC     0     0     6     3     3     0     12    0.2

6 Band Calls    47
5 Band Calls    59
4 Band Calls   187
3 Band Calls   261
2 Band Calls   527
1 Band Calls  2306
Unique Calls  3387

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