[3830] NAQP CW KT0R Single Op LP

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Sun Aug 6 15:14:08 EDT 2006

                    North American QSO Party, CW

Call: KT0R
Operator(s): KT0R
Station: KT0R

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.75~
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   49    22
   80:  114    35
   40:  231    47
   20:  218    43
   15:  101    32
   10:   17     9
Total:  730   188  Total Score = 137,240

Club: Minnesota Wireless Association

Team: MWA #1


Well, I ended up being able to operate the whole contest. At the start I thought
that the bands were going to great. 10 and 15 meters seemed to be open. If the
contest would have started at noon. I think 10 meters would have netted more
qso’s. 15 meters was decent shape, but limited. My First couple hours were
104 then 96. Then things slowed down. 20 was good but, nothing to write home
about. Did work KL7 and late around 03:27 looked for KH6ND and found him with a
great signal. My mult total seemed low on 20 meters. I moved several stations
that is always fun. 

Neat thing happened I was running on 40 and N3BB from Texas called in and asked
to qsy to 10 meters. I thought he was crazy, but said ok. Wow he was there cool.
Well I needed Texas on 15 so asked him to qsy to 15. He was even stronger. That
was really cool and I think the highlight of the contest for me. A bit later I
asked W0UY from Kansas to qsy to a mult on 20 meters for a mult. That was fun.
Many qsy’s worked and several did not. It is always neat to have guy move
around the bands. Mostly I usually just ask guys to move one band. I don’t
want to take up too much of there time at once. Most people are happy to give
it a try. The move on 80 and 160 were tough. Low bands were so noisy. Of course
the 160 thing is a lot of guys would say no 160 antenna. I thought that 160 was
going to be a total bust. But moved down low in the band and started getting
stations calling me. 

It was fun to run the bands with K0AD. I had 7 stations that worked on all 6
bands and 5 stations that I worked on 5 bands. I had 231 unique callsigns in
the log. 

I also worked 9 qso’s with VE4, that was cool. Thought I was going to miss
VE4 on 160. But, VE4YU called in and qsy’s to 160. He was lite but I think it
was a good one. I caught VE4VV on 40 with a huge pileup. I asked Derrick to qsy
to 80. I bet the people thought “What is the deal?” I am sure they waited
for the MB mult to come back. Thanks Derrick. 

Also was fun to have XE2MX Loco call me and 80 and qsy him to 40. I asked him
for 160, but didn’t make the q. I should have had him qsy to 20. Next time.

Anyway, for August I thought I did well. Bands were mostly as expected. Thanks
to all that qsy’d and at least tried. NAQP is always a fun contest. Great to
see old friends and meet some new ones.

See you all in the next one. 

Vry 73 Dave KT0R

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