[3830] NCCC Thursday NAQP practice K8AJS

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Fri Aug 4 16:50:02 EDT 2006

Band         QSO        Mult

160            0          0
  80            4          4
  40           16         12
  20           14         10
  15            1          1
  10            1          1

Total         36         28

It was a good night, lots of participation, people to work,
Signals were good and loud.

Thanks to Jim, N3BB for moving me from 20 meters to 15, to
10, to 40 resulting in four multipliers for both of us in a
matter of about three minutes. I didn't think I could change
bands that fast, but he showed me something.

Looking forward to doing it again tonight. The practice is as
much fun as the contest :-)

Rig: FT1000MP
Antennas: 3 ele quad, 204-foot G5RV
Software: WriteLog 10.58e

John E Bastin, K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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