[3830] Fw: New (Unofficial) NS CW Prize

Dick Green WC1M wc1m at msn.com
Sat Aug 19 18:11:49 EDT 2006

Gee, I hate to be a pill, but doesn't a cash prize violate the FCC rule
against using an amateur radio station for pecuniary interest?

73, Dick WC1M 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Hilding [mailto:dx35 at hilding.com] 
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 5:55 PM
> To: 3830 at contesting.com
> Subject: [3830] Fw: New (Unofficial) NS CW Prize
> I forgot to add there is one "catch" in the rules in order to 
> qualify for the $100 Ben Franklin:
> You must work at least 10 different callsigns, and at least 
> one QSO must be with N6RO, K7NV, N6ZFO or K6VVA.
> Since I'm giving the $$$, I make the rules :-)
> Go-For-It...
> Rick, K6VVA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eric Hilding
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Cc: nccc at contesting.com
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 2:46 PM
> Subject: K6VVA NS Pratice Party
> Congrats to the 3 Stooges (ooops, ahhh... "Wombats").  Even 
> though they QLF'd the operating mode, what a Stellar QSO 
> total showing by K7SS, KL2A & KQ7W.
> Danny, "You Da Man!" (91 QSOs).
> OK...who will be the first to make 100 or more QSOs in a 
> regular weekly NS Practice Party ("CW" Mode)?  I'll fork out 
> a $100 bill to the winner (logs to probably be tabulated by 
> Price Waterhouse et.al. #^:)
> Remember, tonight is SSB-SSB-SSB. 
> Not many regular Contesters showed up on SSB last night, but 
> some casual ops (one gave me an S1 signal report) came to the 
> rescue. Many unanswered CQ's, and virtually zip on 80/160m.
> 29 Qs x 23 Mults = 667 Points
> 73...
> RIck, K6VVA

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