[3830] NAQP SSB AE6Y Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 20 15:28:07 EDT 2006

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: AE6Y
Operator(s): AE6Y
Station: AE6Y

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   29     9
   80:   75    22
   40:   96    39
   20:  107    38
   15:    2     1
   10:    2     1
Total:  311   110  Total Score = 34,110


Team: NCCC Dummy Loads


Limited time due to family visiting from out of town, and the fact that the
station was completely torn down due to re-carpeting.  What a lot of work to
hook everything back up!
  Rarely felt strong -- particularly when I could scare up nothing on 20, while
a few kHz away W6NL had a big pile-up.  He's only a few miles from me, but also
3000 feet higher in elevation.
  But the great thing about NAQP SSB is what a friendly contest it is.  People
are greeted you by name, and many QSOs feature friendly remarks like "glad to
see you on", "I've been looking for you" and the like from contest buddies.
It's a bit like CQP: competitive but with competitors being very supportive of
each other and everyone primarily trying to have a good time.
  Rig: 756 Pro and Pro 2
  Ant: F-12 3 el 20, 2 el 40, 1 el 80, inv vee for 160
  Software: CQPWIN ver. 10.5
  73 and thanks for the Qs,
   Andy, AE6Y

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