[3830] WAE CW OS5N(ON4KJ) Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 20 15:46:05 EDT 2006

                    WAE DX Contest, CW

Call: OS5N
Operator(s): ON4KJ
Station: ON4KJ

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Gaurain-rx
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:   0     0      0
   40:   2     0      3
   20:  48     0     36
   15:  14     0     18
   10:   0     0      0
Total:  64     0     57  Total Score = 3,648



The new vanity call OS5N seems to be killer as most OP write it down as OH5N. 
OS5N comes from OSN a coastal station of the Belgian navy I served in a951-1954
 OSN still sounds good in my ears after more then half a century.....
not a real activ participation......but OB could not resist.
73 CUAGN All 
Jos on4kj os5n (or6g)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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