[3830] NAQP SSB W0ETT Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Aug 20 19:53:50 EDT 2006

                    North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: W0ETT
Operator(s): W0ETT
Station: W0ETT

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   18    11
   80:    7     4
   40:  287    47
   20:  192    45
   15:   17     9
   10:   10     8
Total:  531   124  Total Score = 65,844

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado

Team: SCCC #2


Due to pretty poor condx, this was kinda of a rough one with only limited
contacts on 15m which is usually a very important band in the NAQP. 10m opened
a little with a few dx mults and stateside Q's to make it interesting.  20m was
good but tougher since it can get so crowded with both contesters and
non-contesters, causing a few of the latter to lose their cool by tuning up on
you, burping on your run freq (that was a new one!), and making the usual snide
remarks all without signing a callsign.  It reminds you of why cw is a lot of

I had great fun on 40m during the evening when I was able to run for awhile
with 89 Q's the first and 139 Q's the second hour.  I spotted the ole rate
meter hit a 10 min. high of 172 Q's at one time and 142 another time.  That's
pretty good for me since I consider myself a cw op rather than a ssber.  75m
was pretty noisy and crowded with ragchewers but 160m did better as the night
wore on.

GM Ski Bum team members worked were:  N0SXX, K0UK, N0RK, NT4TT, K0FX, W0MU (on
40m for only MT!)and W0EEA.  Could have used WY on any band but never heard
Alan KO7X.

It was a frustrating contest at times and good fun at others.  All in all, I
thought it was 10 hours well spent.

73 Ken, W0ETT

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