[3830] NCCC Thursday Practice Party NS rules: N6RO

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Fri Aug 25 00:10:25 EDT 2006


40      27      12
20      28      13

tot     55      25      1375 points

A good showing from the regulars.  20m skip was quite different compared to 
the past few weeks (no direct skip to Seattle!). Despite the big hardware, 
I was getting beat out on calls, rate disappointing.  But, a fun time as usual.

Next week we'll stay with NS format on 20/40m:  Dupes with one intervening 
QSO on same band OK, back-to-back Qs on different bands OK.  The following 
week (Sept. 7), we change format to NA Sprint rules-CW, and add 80m back 
into the mix for the rest of the fall/winter season.

Since the NS ladder competition ended, we will have different rules each week:
Before major events (NA QSO, NA SPRINT, CQP, SS...), we'll use their 
official rules as a warmup for the weekend.
In between major events, we use NS rules to promote SO2R practice, and 
provide a weekly 30 minute contesting frenzy.
  Check the NCCC website each week for NEXT NS format at:

  CU then, N6RO

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