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Sun Aug 27 08:49:24 EDT 2006
SCC RTTY Championship
Call: VA7ST
Operator(s): VA7ST
Station: VA7ST
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 13.5
Band QSOs Pts Mults
80: 3 5 3
40: 41 85 30
20: 152 361 55
15: 1 3 1
Total: 197 454 89 Total Score = 40,406
Generally, I guess conditions were lousy. Seemed OK for a while Saturday morning
with a moderate EU opening on 20M.
15M never opened here. Worked one station: LW9EOC.
Spent several days this week trying to improve 40M options by tearing down the
wire antenna for a reconfiguration, and building a 40M rotary dipole out of a
couple of fiberglass crappie poles once used in a homebrew DF4SA spiderbeam.
Will post construction details on the website ( http://www3.telus.net/va7st ).
Was inspired by the K4VX design for a shortened wire dipole in QST:
Ended up with a tip-to-tip physical length of about 38'. 300-ohm twinlead (a
whopping 15' each side) provides linear loading to the wire elements strapped
to the fiberglass arms. Though it's rather short, the thing resonates at about
7.040 with 2:1 span of 150+ khz). Got the tower tilted over Friday morning and
installed the rotary dipole at the tippy top of the mast, about 7' above the
tribander at 55' or so when all is cranked up. Haven't yet put the high (80')
wires up for 40 or 80, though. (Wish I'd had 'em for 80M last night).
Unfortunately, neither the ground-mounted vertical nor the rotary dipole did
much for me Saturday evening. As usual, heard dozens of loud stations from
0000z onward, but none could hear me till very late in the evening, when most
had done something sensible by going to bed. The few stations I did work either
seemed to barely hear me, regardless of the antenna I switched in. Same thing
last weekend in SARTG using the 2 element wire inv.-V beam and a 2-element
1/4-wave vertical system (1/4 wave spacing).
I hit the hay at midnight (0700z) after hours of misery and rates under 10 per
hour, and got up for the final half hour. Found only five stations on 40M in
that 30 minutes (actually all in the first few minutes), and managed to work
four of 'em on the rotary dipole. That 5th heard was JS1OYN, but he went QRT
almost as soon as I heard him.
Heard nothing but CW ops for the final 20 minutes or so. Not much of a test for
the new antenna. Sure struggled making 41 Qs with it and the vertical. Hope it
was just last night's 40M conditions and that the antenna plays better next
Score up this year to 40,000 from 19,000-odd points, with the big difference
being 152 Qs on 20M vs. 74 Qs last year. And in that number, the big story is
the great run of JAs on Saturday afternoon -- what a pleasure it was to work a
couple dozen Japanese operators (with pretty good signals, too). Haven't seen
that many JAs for a very long time. Welcome back!
SCC RTTY Qs Mults Score (claimed)
August-06 197 89 40,406
August-05 119 73 17,885
August-04 98 65 14,485
August-03 104 59 14,396
August-02 109 71 17,963
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
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