[3830] OhQP K8MR/M Mobile LP

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Sun Aug 27 12:46:07 EDT 2006

                    Ohio QSO Party

Call: K8MR/M
Operator(s): K8MR, W8DRZ
Station: K8MR/M

Class: Mobile LP
QTH: 22 counties
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:  115     66
   40:  297     46
   20:  151     20
   15:    0      0
   10:    0      0
Total:  563    132  CW Mults = 68  Ph Mults = 52  Total Score = 150,960

Club: Northern Ohio DX Association


By County:

        CW   SSB
TRUM    39    6
PORT    48    7
STAR    17    0
MAHO    29    4
COLU    25    1
CARR    34    4
JEFF    39    2
HARR    32    7
GUER    24   13
BELM    41   15
MONR    38   10
NOBL    16   13
MUSK    19    5
MORG    20    2
PERR    31    1
FAIR    18    4
LICK    32    6
DELA     8    1
KNOX    11    2
MORR    16   11
RICH     4   18
ASHL    22    0

States  35   24
Ctys    33   28

I got off to perhaps the best start ever in a state QSO party. Often people
just drift in at the start, but I was off with 32 qsos in the first 15 minutes.
The first hours went well.  Propagation was somewhat strange - on 40 there were
very strong openings to certain areas of Ohio such as the Columbus area, but
not to Toledo. But after a couple of hours it became just long and boring. At
times I was unable to hear anything on 40 meters except for a very strong K4LTA
or W9IU. Rates got as low as 40/hr for our 58 minutes in Harrison county around
20Z. We never got much above 60/hour until a 22 qso burst in the last 10
minutes from ASHL.

This time I added two new things.  First, after trying a Heil noise cancelling
headset in MiQP, I bought my own at Dayton. It has some minor RFI issues with
an alternator modulated whine in the right ear only on 20 meters, but it did a
great job of getting rid of the low frequency road noise and made for much
easier copy of many signals, especially on SSB.

Second, for the first time I ran both 75 and 80 meter antennas, after 20 closed
around sunset. Combined with 75 meter capabilities all day, I had as many qsos
on 75 as on 40 and 20 SSB combined.  Most were calling guys, but after I called
and worked N9FN from MORR and RICH, he offered my his freq on 3850, which I
gladly took. Most of the rest of time in RICH was spent there, running a
moderate rate but getting s number of new mults.

No equipment problems.  The only navigation problem was in STAR, but with only
4 miles in the county, we had time to backtrack and find our way out.  We were
delayed once by a long train in MAHO, and for 5 minutes in Guernsey while a
farmer moved his herd of cattle from the farm on one side of the road to a
field on the other.  

Thanks to all who participated.  I can't wait until we get a few sunspots to
let us have some close in propagation.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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