[3830] NA Sprint CW NK7U(KL2A) HP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Feb 12 20:32:14 EST 2006

                    NA Sprint CW Contest

Call: NK7U
Operator(s): KL2A
Station: NK7U

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 3.5
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:  114        
   40:  107        
   20:   70        
Total:  292    Mults = 46  Total Score = 13,432

Club: Northern California Contest Club



Thanks again to Joe & Sharon for allowing me to operate at NK7U!

I love this contest & FUN it was!

It's the best of the best & I just can't get enough of it. Like most of you, I
was so pumped & very ready for battle with the boys however the unthinkable
happened, which I was not prepared for...

In mid Q on radio A (20m), I look over to Radio B's amp (40m) & see smoke! 
Immediately I flip the electricity off, open the door & fan the room.  After a
few mins I call Joe, he clears my health, & with no delay says "get back in the

Radio B checks out fine with 100w, I'm back in the race, but soon I realize my
rhythm is shot and needs a boost. (the next 20 mins I = 12 Q's)

It's obviously time to focus on 40, 20 is done producing (my last 20m Q is
0139), 40 was surging at the time of the off-time so I decide to take 2 mins and
swap 40 to the good amp on Radio A, and run 100w 80m Radio B.  

It's not long and I see it's time to swap again as 80 quickly (and early) seemed
the rate band.  

The 1st hour wasn't even close to what I was hoping for at 84, but I purposely
held off the 2nd radio to focus on 20m longer in hopes for possible mults and
those Q's I wouldn't be able to make up on 40-80.  *This theory has big holes
that need work.  My thinking was then to hit 40 for a rate fest & close the gap,
then hoping the yagi on 80 would continue to shrink the gap further... a theory
for next time.

*The big experiment for me is:  Which is better?

1. Being "fresh meat" at the start of the 40m rush (when the masses exodus)
Meaning NO 40m Q's until the Exodus
2. SP 40 from the start while running 20, then focus 40 ONLY after 20 dies
3. SP 40 from the start while running 20, as soon as the exodus goes 40, focus
40, SP 20

WHAT DO YOU THINK? email me: KL2A at yahoo.com

73 KL2A

:: F A C T S ::

K1KI 579 80m 2350z before the start!

Last 20m Q: 0139
1st 40m Q: 0033
1st 80m Q: 0205

Congratulations to N2NL!  A 1st Class op, and performance. I felt like I had a
front row seat, incredible sigs.
Thanks to J79WI, XE1NTT/2, VE9DX, K5GO (AR).  Unexpected mults.

KL9A & K7SS too!  Just never heard you guys, but heard guys who did.

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y --------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
0000       0      0     25     59      0      0     84   28.8
0100       0      0     52     11      0      0     63   21.6
0200       0     50     25      0      0      0     75   25.7
0300       0     64      6      0      0      0     70   24.0
Total      0    114    108     70      0      0    292

Gross QSO's=292        Dupes=0        Net QSO's=292

Unique callsigns worked = 157

There were 50 bandchanges and 16 probable 2nd radio QSO's.

Callareas   Worked
Area   QSOs    Pct
   0    26     8.9
   1    17     5.8
   2    26     8.9
   3    21     7.2
   4    54    18.5
   5    41    14.0
   6    36    12.3
   7    18     6.2
   8    19     6.5
   9    34    11.6

The following stations were worked on 3 bands:

K1EA        N3BB        AA3B        K5GA        N5OT        K4RO        
N6ZZ        W4PA        N9CK        K3WW        K4LTA       VA3NR       
K4ZW        KO7AA       W4NZ        W9RE        K3CR        N4ZR        
K5OT        N9RV        KU8E        K4FXN       K4QPL       K0AD        
K9NW        K4BAI       K6LL        AG9A        W2ID        W1NN        
XE1NTT/2    W5JAW       KW8N        W0BH        N2IC        W0YK        

----- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O ' s  -----
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0     29     25      5      0      0

           80M    40M    20M   Total

    J7              1              1
     K     109    100     65     274
    KL              1      1       2
   KP4                     1       1
    LZ       1      1              2
    VE       2      3      1       6
    XE       1      1      1       3
    YS                     1       1
    ZF       1                     1

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