[3830] RTTY WPX NB1B(@W1KM) SOSB/80 HP

webform@b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Feb 13 18:53:01 EST 2006

                    CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest

Call: NB1B
Operator(s): NB1B
Station: W1KM

Class: SOSB/80 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 28

 Band  QSOs  Pts
   80:  700  2828
Total:  700  2828  Prefixes = 388  Total Score = 1,097,264

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Accomplished my pre-contest goals: 700 QSOs, 1Meg score.  I did enough above the
1 meg that the final score should stay there.

Contest started poorly with me- I overslept my two alarm clocks, and didn't make
the first QSO until 0023Z!  Using N1MM Logger software for the first time, and
it did take a little getting used to, but by 0100Z I was able to crank away at
80M SOSB gets lonely sometimes-lots of CQs and not lots of answers, but I stayed
with it.  

Saturday morning Zulu was very noisy- a constant noise level of S8-9 on the
verticals and S3-4 on the beverages.  My apologies to all that heard me that I
couldn't hear, and for the many repeats I had to request.  Sunday morning was
much quieter, even though the wind was howling and the snow was flying.  We had
about 8 inches of snow while I operated, with wind gusts up to 50mph blowing the
snow around.  Sunday evening was great- I found a nice frequency about 2100Z and
was able to run (actually, it was more like a "trot") Europeans.  After that
many hours on one band, a 30 hour is big.  

Biggest thrill of the contest was having RK0AXX call me on an otherwise dead
band.  Why he was on 80M at that time, and we could actually work each other,
was amazing.  Now, if I can just get that Zone 18 card from him.....

Thanks for all the Qs.  I had a great time.

Dennis NB1B

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