[3830] IARU K9GX SO Mixed HP

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Sun Jul 9 14:38:18 EDT 2006

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: K9GX
Operator(s): K9GX
Station: K9GX

Class: SO Mixed HP
QTH: 08 IN
Operating Time (hrs): 17

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
   20:   24     997    57
   15:           29     9
Total:   24    1026    66  Total Score = 170,412

Club: Kentucky Contest Group


I was planning to do a Single Band effort. Temptation got the best of me
Saturday afternoon when I jumped up to 15 for a while. Sounded like the MUF was
abt 20 Mhz.

Spent some time cruising 40 and 75 cw looking for WRTC contestants to no avail.
QRN was atrocious and the 40 yagi didn't want to tune up. Went back to 20. Had a
nice run of Eu and UA9-UA0 Saturday evening on 20. Completely missed the
"alleged" Asian opening Saturday morning.

Only worked 6 of the WRTC stations. All 20m all SSB.

Simply ran out of gas about 0400 Sunday. One of the benefits of advancing age.
Guess it beats the alternative.

Must have worked about 200 stateside stations who had no clue about the
exchange in this contest. Guys were sending serial numbers, grid squares, etc,
etc. ITU, what's that?

First two hours maintaned rate at abt 130...things slowed from there.

73, Mark, K9GX

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