webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Jul 16 16:54:31 EDT 2006

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: LZ9R
Operator(s): LZ3YY
Station: LZ3YY

Class: SO CW LP
QTH: Aitos
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
  160:    32           22
   80:   163           39
   40:   195           50
   20:   384           58
   15:   342           54
   10:   296           35
Total:  1412    0     258  Total Score = 976,272



160m two Inv.vees ; 80/40 Linear loaded vertical PA3HBB design ;20/15/10
verticals and 2el.Quad switchable into 4 directions, EU1TT design.

A great contest with many excellent operators at and outside the WRTC event.
Tried to work as many as possible from WRTC participants.
ZX5J must have big ears to pull me out on 80 meters for my first 80m PY.
Please dont smile as using low power and only a 1/4 wire sloper at home
makes PY very rare on 80 meters.
At contest QTH more than dozen PY's were heard on 80 meters , but only ZX5J
Many thanks George and company!!!

This was my personal best IARU contest and I'am very happy with the result.
Lost one hour due to nearby thunderstorms and short power outages.160 meters 
was nearly useless with heavy QRN and only big guns and EU HQ's were worked.
Was VERY close to 1 Million points , but may be next time....

Spider beam is 70% ready and instead of my working commitments hopefully will 
be ready for WAE CW ( SO2R too).

73 to all de Nasko , LZ9R(LZ3YY)

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