[3830] AD6ZJ Updated BARTG results

Loren Hunt lorenphunt at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 19 23:21:31 EST 2006

          BARTGSRTTY Score Summary Sheet

      Start Date : 2006-03-16

   CallSign Used : AD6ZJ
     Operator(s) : AD6ZJ

            Band : ALL
           Power : HIGH
            Mode : RTTY
Default Exchange : 001
      Gridsquare : DM13JE

            Name : Loren Hunt
         Address : 356 Penrod Ct
  City/State/Zip : Vista  CA  92083
         Country : USA

    ARRL Section : SDG
       Club/Team :  
         Software: N1MM Logger V6.2.12

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec   Nam
         3.5      58     58    2   13    0
           7      59     59    8   14    3
          14     182    182   22   23    3
          21       2      2    1    2    0
          28       1      1    1    1    0
       Total     302    302   34   53    6

           Score : 157,644
             Rig : 706MKIIG

        Antennas : Tri-Bander, 56' Vertical

         Soapbox : Ok. So I finished up the contest in
the morning having plans the rest of the day. Sent in
logs and all. Then the plans changed so I was back in
the shack for 3 more hours of the contest. I made 1/3
of my QSO's in that 3 hours. It's far from the true
contesters but this is my highest QSO count contest I
ever. All low power but for about 30 min on 20M so
High power it is. Yikes! this is becoming addictive,
what will happen when the solar cycle improves?

AD6ZJ, Loren

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