webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Mon Mar 27 15:35:51 EST 2006

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: ES5TV
Operator(s): ES5TV
Station: ES5TV

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Jogeva
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:   87
   80:  479
   40:  890
   20: 1839
   15:  155
   10:    1
Total: 3451  Prefixes = 1065  Total Score = 8,079,090

Club: Tartu Contest Team


Great competition from OK1RI and S58A who both defeated me I guess. There is
again too much EU in my continent sheet (without dupes):

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     6     7   613     7     0    633
  VE calls    =      0     2     2    81     1     0     86
  N.A. calls  =      0     2     3    24     6     0     35
  S.A. calls  =      0     6    23    32    36     0     97
  Euro calls  =     84   438   787   819    45     1   2174
  Afrc calls  =      0     4     4    16    18     0     42
  Asia calls  =      2    17    30   144    29     0    222
  JA calls    =      0     0     3    68     0     0     71
  Ocen calls  =      0     1    16    32    11     0     60

  Total calls =     86   476   875  1830   154     1   3422

20m was the money band. Had no progagation to US on 80m or 40m worth CQ-ing to
that direction. Those missing 40m US QSOs made all the difference I guess.
Almost no CQ on 15m, very poor propagation to me, some FL stations heard the
second day. Only QSO on 10m and only station ever heard there was OT6A with
quite good signal. Thanks for 6 bands!

I am not sure my off time strategy is right - to skip night time EU on 40 and
80m and work high rate morning time on 20m. I guess competitors went to sleep
when the sun came out:)

Did anybody notice that there is no required length of off times in the rules
any more??? What does that mean? Any 1 minute without QSO can be counted as off
time?:) Strange that they have taken it out. I still followed the old 60 minutes

It is great to hear so many new ops from DL, ON, I, etc in SSB. All those IW
guys. But as somebody mentioned it is really disturbing that they call with the
middle two letters in totally empty no pile-up situation. And this behaviour is
massive with IW and IZ stations! Who teaches them this?? 

I also had a funny episode with a "frequency owner". Found free spot at 3788,
asked QRL twice and started operating. After 3-5 min OL7P shows up and claims
that he owns the frequency and it does not matter that he was gone for a while.
Despite my explanations starts CQing on top of me. My undisturbed pile up makes
him leave eventually...


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