[3830] WPX SSB CQ9K M/S HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Thu Mar 30 15:21:51 EST 2006

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: CQ9K
Station: CQ9K

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  345
   40:  798
   20: 1472
   15: 2717
   10:   24
Total: 5356  Prefixes = 1338  Total Score = 25,939,806



The Madeira Contest Team crew would like to give a special thanks to all the
stations that have made a qso with us during the contest.
We had some trouble preparing this event, because in February mother nature
completely destroyed our new Force12 40 meter beam and the tower. During the
contest our "old" Cushcraft 40 meter beam was working faulty on some periods of
the night, but still we managed to make quite a good number of qsos.
10 Meter opening only to South America, but with the signals strong. 15 Meter
was the band where we could work more stations and thus made it worth staying
there, even with almost no s-meter read but the station was workable with good
presence. 20 meter crowded as usual. 80 meter we had almost 3 antennas to
choose, and with a good first night of propagation we spent every minute
possible on the lower bands, and the last four hours the propagation completelly
We would send congrats to PS2T, 5B/AJ2O, 9K2HN, VP2E, and other M/S stations for
their job on the contest.
Also we apreciatte the presence of Falk DK7YY on our team, which helped
specially on the low bands and on the contest in general.

Madeira Contest Team,

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