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Sun May 28 23:44:15 EDT 2006
CQWW WPX Contest, CW
Call: K0RC
Operator(s): K0RC
Station: K0RC
Class: SO(A)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 21.5
Band QSOs
160: 0
80: 0
40: 97
20: 408
15: 167
10: 37
Total: 709 Prefixes = 428 Total Score = 697,640
Club: Minnesota Wireless Association
It was nice to see 10 & 15 meters open for a change. I had my share of dupes
this time because my concentration was just not on the mark this weekend. For
example, unbeknownst to me, I ran 10-15-20 meters all Saturday on my 40m
dipole. The DX signals were so strong I didn't notice the antenna switch was
left in the 40m position from the previous night! In the evening I did a quick
scan of 160 and 80 meters. I found lots of QRN and few signals so I decided I
wasn't going to fight those conditions and went back to 40 & 20. When I finally
headed to bed 20m was still going strong so I doubt I missed much on the low
bands. 95% of my time was S&P but I did have a short run of Japan stations on
15 meters at one point. Ten meters didn't provide any EU or AS stations, but it
was enjoyable working the stateside and SA stations that were available. The
packet spots showed VR2 and 9M2 which I could not raise. I did put VI9NI and
several VK & ZL stations into the log. I've uploaded my WPX contest log to both
eQSL and LoTW. I see I got 11 new LoTW QSL matches right off the bat - you guys
are fast! I don't have my eQSL statistics in front of me but I did notice one
QSL card had already been retrieved when I checked my info. I'm still running
low power and continue to be impressed with the performance of my TH11 (at
22m). It makes me wonder if I'll ever fire up the HF-2500DX when I get the new
shack finished...
73 de Bob - K0RC
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
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