[3830] SS SSB VO1HE SO Unlimited HP

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Sun Nov 19 21:23:34 EST 2006

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB

Call: VO1HE
Operator(s): VO1HE
Station: VO1HE

Class: SO Unlimited HP
QTH: The Rock
Operating Time (hrs): 14.5

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   36
   40:   88
   20:  182
   15:  251
   10:    0
Total:  557  Sections = 80  Total Score = 89,120



Yaesu FT-920
Heathkit SB-220
SteppIR 3 Element Beam
Wire Dipoles

Not a bad time. Better than I have done in the past. I think it's the first
time I got the sweep on phone. I got the sweep a few years ago on CW when there
were 78 sections and again a couple weeks ago. The SteppIR worked great and the
SB220 ran like a charm. Never heard any contesters on 160 and 10 never opened
at all.

The weekend wasn't completely without incident though. I determined the power
limitations of my wire dipoles. I cannot run high power into them at the upper
ranges of 40 or 80 without setting of my house alarm. While on 40M I got a
phone call from my alarm company about a possible medical emergency alarm.
After a few minutes, I managed to assure the caller that we were all fine and
back to the contest I went. About an hour later, as I was searching for mults
on the high levels of 80M, around 2AM local time, the phone rang again. I took
the headset off to answer the phone and found my burgler alarm sirens were
blasting away. One is in the house and one is outside. The neighbours must have
been impressed. Anyway, I once again assured the alarm company caller that we
were not under attack (I assumed so because I didn't really check), shut off
the klaxons and went back to the contest; only lower in the band. I figure that
the alarm was set off by the high power going into the antenna way outside its
optimal operating range. Both my dipoles are cut for much lower in the bands
than I was operating so I was asking for trouble anyway. 80M is too big to
cover with one wire, I think, and apparently, so is 40.

Thanks for all the Qs and sorry to those I tried to work but couldn't pull them
out. Now to gear up for the CQWW CW contest next weekend.

73 -- Paul VO1HE

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