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Sun Sep 24 21:24:13 EDT 2006

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: K0FX
Operator(s): K0FX
Station: K0FX

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Colorado - CO
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  QSOs  Pts   State/Prov  DX   Zones
   80:   50    63       6        5    31
   40:  232   413      22       40    40
   20:  490   997      28       79    44
   15:   32    88      13       18     3
   10:    0     0       0        0     0
Total:  804  1561      69      142   118  Total Score = 513,569

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


Great fun as usual.  Terrible power line noise, worse than usual for some
reason.  Nothing on 10m, very little on 15m.  Nice to work VQ9LA on 40m.
Finally got 3XM6JR and 6W1SE on 40m and 20m.  Lots of Colorado stations on.
Missed zones 21,22,23, 34, 36, 37 and 38.  Also noticed more than the usual 
amount of raspy signals.
IC-765 + SB-220 at 400w,  KT-34XA, 2 el yagi for 40 and !/4 sloper on 80.

Thanks for all the QSO's and see you agn......

73 Don K0FX

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