[3830] WPX SSB TM6M(@F6KHM) M/2 HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Apr 1 06:10:58 EDT 2007

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: TM6M
Operator(s): F0ELK, F1AKK, F4DXW, F5MUX, F5TTU, F5VCR & F8DBF
Station: F6KHM

Class: M/2 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs
  160:  177
   80:  703
   40: 1667
   20: 2543
   15:  221
   10:   39
Total: 5350  Prefixes = 1324  Total Score = 18,832,576



Contest         : CQ World Wide WPX Contest

Callsign        : TM6M

Mode            : PHONE

Category        : Multi Operator - Two Transmitter (M2)

Overlay         : ---

Band(s)         : All bands (AB)

Class           : High Power (HP)

Zone/State/...  : France

Operating time  : 48h00



  160   177   3   24     450  2.54 

   80   703  12  259    1833  2.61 

   40  1667  28  446    5006  3.00 

   20  2543  44  511    6229  2.45 

   15   221   0   78     593  2.68 

   10    39   0    6     113  2.90 


TOTAL  5350  87 1324   14224  2.66 


     TOTAL SCORE : 18 832 576

Operators : F0ELK, F1AKK, F4DXW, F5MUX, F5TTU, F5VCR & F8DBF

Setup : Dipole 160m, dipole 80m slopped to US, DxBeam antennas 
www.dxbeam.com : 2 el 40m @ 30m, 6 el 20m @ 26m, 6 el 15m @ 12m,
5 el 10m and KT36XA. RX : K9AY loop, short beverage.

TS-850SAT, 2 x FT-990, homebrew amplifier by Xavier F5TTU.

Soapbox : 

After a first positive test in M/2 category during the famous ARRL SSB,
we decided to try again this week-end. TM6M is the callsign used by the
young contest team of F6KHM. This RadioClub station is located in the
center of Brest, with some limited space. This restrictions prevent us
from using efficient RX antenna like a real beverage. However, we are
continuing to improve this setup.

Congratulations to OE4A, Braco and is team with only 3 operators, for
the good performance, wo have also improve the previous EU record
instead of the poor propagation conditions.

You can certainly count on us to do our best in the next contests.

On behalf of the team,

73 de F5MUX

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