[3830] Fwd: April 6 NCCC Sprint N6RO LP

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Fri Apr 6 01:31:15 EDT 2007

>                     NCCC Sprint Ladder - April 6
>Call: N6RO
>Operator(s): N6RO
>Station: N6RO
>Class: Single Op LP
>Operating Time (hrs): .5
>Radios: SO2R,  FT1000mp's, stacked yagis, 4 SQ.
>  Band  QSOs  Mults
>   160:   2      1
>    80:  12      6
>    40:  20      11
>    20:  23      12
>Total:  57     30  Total Score = 1,710

Good activity tonight, 20m open somewhat to everywhere, very loud to SW US- 
N4OGW was S9+20. I had a slow start (no Qs for 2 minutes), getting beat out 
by W7OM, K6UFO and K6VVA to the east!

80m still good; heard but not worked:  K4BAI, N4OGW, N9CK, N4AF, W7WHY, 
W7OM. Six more mults were possible, timing bad!  Did get N2ZN, K3STX on 
80m.  Good to see W1UE joining in the fun. I didn't spend enuff time on 160 
for mults. Balancing the band-mults while keeping up the rate is the big 
challenge in this sprint.

The NCCC/post-contest net met on 3625 (3630 was occupied).  What is it 
about 3x30?  I'll listen to the low end during next week to see what freq. 
might work.  I'm thinking 3608 or 3610 (our CW antennas will work even 
better).  Also listened on 3803 for Generals, but nothing heard.

CU next week, RO

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