[3830] GaQP W0BH Single Op HP

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Wed Apr 18 13:46:48 EDT 2007

                    Georgia QSO Party

Call: W0BH
Operator(s): W0BH
Station: W0BH

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:    7      1
   40:   75     34
   20:   48     39
Total:  130     74  CW Mults = 84  Ph Mults = 42  Total Score = 42,084



I coordinated emergency communications at a local event on Saturday so it sounds
like I missed out on some good conditions (and mults). I did turn on the mobile
rig once during a break and saw GA signals practically pegging the S-meter. One
of our Hesston College students was helping at the event, so let him work some
stations from the mobile using Hesston College club call K0HC.

Started playing myself Saturday evening and thoroughly enjoyed chasing the
mobiles around the state! On Sunday, conditions were so good for awhile that
NA4BW running QRP was +15 into Kansas on 20SSB. Never really did have a time
when no path existed to Georgia. Overall worked 92 different counties.

Mobile totals (Qs/counties) :

N4PN  21/20      W3DYA 9/9
NY4N  14/14      W4MY  6/5
K4BAI 14/13      K4ZGB 4/4
NM2L  13/10

With about 10 minutes to go, I was calling CQ on 40SSB and K4JMP came back from
Newton county (his first contact in the QP I think). Judging by the sudden
interest in the background, I gave him the frequency, then picked up two more
new mobile mults on CW before the closing bell. Great fun!

Thanks to the all who made this event so enjoyable for the rest of us. See you
again next year!

73, Bob, w0bh

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