[3830] NCCC Sprint W7WHY LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Fri Apr 20 00:32:49 EDT 2007

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - Apr 20

Call: W7WHY
Operator(s): W7WHY
Station: W7WHY

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): .5
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   3      2
   40:  20     10
   20:  17     10
Total:  40     22  Total Score = 880



Great activity tonight.  Seems like participation is really picking up.  This is
not my highest QSO total, but my highest mult total by quite a bit.  

20 meters was good.  Worked CT, NH, and even CA and NV on 20.  Finished up a
new 3 phased vertical array for 40 last Sunday and felt pretty loud on that
band for a change.  Got to 80 too late for some new mults there.

We need to spread out more on the bands.  Seems like everyone is crowded in
around .040 and not moving up or down enough.  I called CQ at .043 and above on
40 and 20 with no answers.  We could go up to .045 and still make a lot of Q's.

Some really big scores tonight.  Wonder who will be the first to hit 70 Q's.  I
remember last year 60 seemed unreachable.

Thanks for all the Q's and see you next week. 73

   NS LADDER 1.16 - W7WHY        
 1 CA   2 WA  
 1 CA   2 CT   3 IN   4 KS   5 LA   6 MI   7 NH   8 TN   9 TX   10 WI  

 1 AR   2 CA   3 GA   4 IN   5 LA   6 MS   7 NC   8 NV   9 TN   10 TX  

160M  QSOS  =   0 in  0 minutes
 80M  QSOS  =   3 in  3 minutes
 40M  QSOS  =  20 in  13 minutes
 20M  QSOS  =  17 in  15 minutes
TOTAL QSOS  =  40 in  31 minutes
Total MULTS   =  22.
                           *** FINAL SCORE =  880 Points ***

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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