[3830] 2007 NCCC Sprint - Aug 10 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 13Aug2007

mwdink at eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Mon Aug 13 23:27:03 EDT 2007

2007 NCCC Sprint - Aug 10 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 13Aug2007

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Aug 12, 2007
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
K7SS(@K7RI)         74    15    .5      1,110 WWDXC
N9RV                63    14    .5        882 
N6RO                58    15    .5        870 NCCC
W5JAW               61    14   0.5        854 CTDXCC
N3BB                54    15   0.5        810 CTDXCC
W7OM                47    17   0.5        799 WWDXC
K4BAI               57    14   0.5        798 SECC
W9RE                59    13    .5        767 SMC
W4NZ                45    13   0.5        585 TCG
K9BGL               45    13   0.5        585 SMC

N9NB                39    13   0.5        507 
K1ZZI               34    14    .5        476 SECC
W0YK                29    13   0.4        377 NCCC
N9FC                30    12    .5        360 SMC
W1UE                30    12    .5        360 
K0XP/M              14     9    .5        126 
W7WHY               12     7   .25         84 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
All Single Op QRP
W8UE                11     6   :22         66 MRRC


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