[3830] ARRL 160 K5TR Single Op HP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Dec 2 13:45:23 EST 2007

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: K5TR
Operator(s): K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: EM00uf
Operating Time (hrs): ~6

Total:  QSOs = 555  Sections = 71  Countries = 9  Total Score = 91,200

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


I was able to get on some the second night.  I did not get out to the station 
until about 03:30z - good rates until I was too tired to keep going so I took a
nap.  I made some changes to my 160 antennas this fall and wanted to try them
out a bit.  They seem to be working ok.  I seem to have a decent signal - I 
don't own the band but that is OK.  Mostly I just called CQ.  Nice to have some
European stations call me.   I was amazed at how many sections I was able to
work in my short time CQing on the band.


Kenwood TS-850S / AL-1500

160     - 1/4 wave sloping vertical East from 120' tower 
        - 1/4 wave sloping vertical Wast from 120' tower
        - NE, NW, SE, SW beverages ~500' long 

Lots of numbers:
                        ARRL 160 SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Date : 02-Dec-07
    Callsign Used : K5TR

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

  160CW      555         555       1140      71         9 

 Totals      555         555       1140      71         9 

    Final Score = 91200 points.

Continent List  

  USA calls   =    506 
  VE calls    =     33 
  N.A. calls  =      4  
  S.A. calls  =      1    
  Euro calls  =      6    
  Afrc calls  =      0     
  JA calls    =      2   
  Ocen calls  =      3     
  Total calls =    555   

HR    160   80     40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
--   ----- ------------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
 3   59/37  ---    ---      ---      ---      ---    59/37    59/37   0.00M
 4  137/27  ---    ---      ---      ---      ---   137/27   196/64   0.03M
 5   83/7   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---    83/7    279/71   0.04M
 6  103/5   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---   103/5    382/76   0.06M
 7   47/0   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---    47/0    429/76   0.07M
 8    ---   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    429/76   0.07M
 9    ---   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    429/76   0.07M
10    ---   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    429/76   0.07M
11   38/2   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---    38/2    467/78   0.08M
12   58/1   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---    58/1    525/79   0.09M
13   30/1   ---    ---      ---      ---      ---    30/1    555/80   0.09M
D1 555/80  0/0    0/0      0/0      0/0      0/0             555/80
TO 555/80  0/0    0/0      0/0      0/0      0/0             555/80

   1.           Il   33
   2.          STx   26
   3.           Mn   25
   4.          NTx   23
   5.           Mi   21
   6.           Co   20
   7.           Va   17
   8.           Oh   16
   9.           Wi   16
  10.          Scv   15
  11.           Az   14
  12.          WWa   14
  13.           Tn   14
  14.          WNy   12
  15.           Sv   11
  16.           In   11
  17.           On   10
  18.           Bc   10
  19.           Ep   10
  20.           Ga   10

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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