[3830] SouthWest Ohio DX Association DX Dinner Announcement

Joseph Brignolo brignolo at soncov.com
Tue Feb 20 14:34:33 EST 2007

 To Whom It May Concern:

Would you please publish this announcement at you earliest convenience.


The SouthWest Ohio DX Association is pleased to sponsor the 22nd annual
DX Dinner to be held in conjunction with the 2007 Dayton HamVention (r).
The dinner will be Friday evening, 18 May, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel,
located in Dayton city center.  Cocktail begin at 6pm and Dinner starts
promptly at 7:15. This is the same venue as in years past.  The program
details are not final yet, but we will have a good one.  As in the past,
there will be some nice attendance prizes -  last year the main prize
was an Icom IC-756 Pro III!  We have upgraded the menu this year.
Tickets are $36.00 per meal, payable in US funds to SWODXA.  (Sorry, We
do not process PayPal or Credit Card payments.)  Please advise if you
want a vegetarian meal when you order.  You may order from Jay Slough,
K4ZLE, at his CBA.  SASE would be appreciated.  We attempt to honor
group seating requests when tickets are ordered together.   There is not
a bad seat in the house , but seating is definitely limited.   Come join
us for an evening of fun and fellowship.  Further information may be
obtained from Jay at:    k4zle <at> yahoo <dot> com.  

K4ZLE's  CBA is 8183 Woodward Dr., West Chester, OH  45069

 Note to recipients:  Please do not publish my email address other than
as I have it printed above.  I am trying to prohibit as much spam as I
can.  Thanks.

 Press Release Hamvention (r) DX Dinner

To view up-to-the minute details about the SouthWest Ohio DX Association
DX Dinner go to: http://www.swodxa.com.

73, Joe, N1ZP

President, Southwest Ohio DX Association
http://www.swodxa.com <http://www.swodxa.com/> 
PO Box 506
Lebanon, Ohio  45036
Phone:  513.899.9152
Cell:      513.404.8888

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